Salvini denies Italy's differences in migration


The Italian Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini, today denied the differences of government in Rome on the tightening of the immigration policy. "At the Summit of EU Ministers of the Interior in Innsbruck, we will propose additional initiatives to curb the presence of illegal migrants (in Italy) .The government is closed," Salvini said. Our goal is to promote a limited, controlled and qualified migration, "Salvini said after meeting with Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, according to media sources. Since he's been Minister of the Interior, 21,000 fewer migrants have arrived in Italy compared to the same period in 2017. "I'm not satisfied, though .We can do even better," he said. declared Salvini

67 Migrants taken by the Coast Guard

The Minister of the Interior and leader of the right-wing populist Lega expects a swift solution to the 67 migrants left by the Italian ship Vos Thalbada "were rescued and resumed yesterday by a ship of the Italian Coast Guard.We still do not know when and where the migrants will arrive." Until the beginning of the summit in Innsbruck, we will have solved the problem ", said Salvini

meanwhile, the Italian Foreign Minister, Enzo Moavero Milanesi, warned against the ISI veterans.Therefore, Italy wants to ask the To strengthen its controls in the Mediterranean

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