120-meter-long drills for the Semmering base tunnel began "kleinzeitung.at


On Friday, in the Fröschnitzgraben (Steinhaus am Semmering), the solemn "shooting" of the construction site of the Semmering base tunnel took place.

12:08, July 13, 2018

Machines put a gigantic weight on the scale © ​​NFM

The Tunnelers " Carl "and" Ghega "begin their big feeding: Friday, the solemn" Andrehen "took place in Styria Fröschnitzgraben on the site of the Semmering base tunnel (19459039) . It is said that the machines "eat" nine kilometers across the mountain towards Gloggnitz in Lower Austria by 2020.

Most of the 27 kilometers railway tunnel and all Entries are "handmade" built in clbadic dredging and blasting.Geology decides where TBMs can be used.In the case of SBT, this is the case in about a third of the tunnel, especially in the middle section On Friday, the first of the two machines started symbolically, the second – "Ghega" – will be launched in the autumn

For the Minister of Transport Norbert Hofer (FPÖ) the railway in Austria becomes even more popular with the SBT Kurt Bodewig, European coordinator for the Baltic-Adriatic Corridor, spoke at the ceremony of a new situation through the future corridor: there would be more Jobs, not just pen during the construction period, and added: as an opportunity to see Europe continue to grow together. "The governor of Styria, Hermann Schützenhöfer, and the councilor Ludwig Schleritzko of the Land of Lower Austria (both ÖVP) have emphasized the attractiveness of the economic site.The president of the ÖBB , Andreas Matthä, stressed the importance of freight transport

Elisabeth Schöggl, patroness of the tunnel The widow of Josef Schöggl, who died in Lbading, uttered some moving words shortly before the "Andrehen". July for the 20th time For her and her son, the SBT has a special meaning, as her husband then did the exploratory work for the tunnel: "The tunnel is therefore a sign that its commitment has not been in vain. "This is a great comfort to us." Then she radioed the official command for starting the machine: "Tunneling in progress."

Tunnel Boring – named after the engineer and the builder of the old railroad e Semmering Carl Ritter von Ghega – and 2500 tons. A machine is used by tunnel tube. They are built in France near Lyon and return to their trips by boat and truck. For reasons of space, the two drills are delivered one after the other in individual pieces, then badembled on site at about 400 meters from the ground.

On average, the tunnel boring machine moves between 10 and 15 meters per day . The Semmering base tunnel, which is approximately 27 kilometers long, is expected to be completed in 2026 and allow a trip from Vienna to Graz in less than two hours. With the Koralm tunnel, which is also under construction, the new south road will be built. It will connect Vienna and Klagenfurt in two hours and forty minutes

Around 2,500 tons a tunnel boring machine weighs about 400 elephants. It is longer than a football field with 120 meters and has a drill head diameter of ten meters. Each borehole will be delivered in 630 parts – equivalent to 120 truckloads . The machines use what are called segments on the tunnel wall during excavation. These are concrete rings. Around 50,000 segments and about 70,000 tonnes of iron are used in the SBT. A tubbing is two meters wide. A whole ring consists of six segments. The boring head of the TBM is powered by 14 electric motors . Overall, these have a production of about 6,000 hp, [1945940] six times the performance of a Formula One car. The strength of food maximum of one machine is about 90 000 kilonewtons, three times the launch thrust of a space shuttle

for the SBT 2012 . The Lower Tunnel Tunnel Gloggnitz construction lot reached the mountain three kilometers deep towards Mürzzuschlag. There is a clbadic built with excavators and blasting. On the Styrian construction site of Grautschenhof between Spital am Semmering and Mürzzuschlag, the miners first worked on wells of 100 meters in the depths. Now the two tubes of the tunnel are driven by excavators and blasters both in the direction of Mürzzuschlag and towards Gloggnitz. The Baulos Fröschnitzgraben lies between the other two lots and thus becomes Gloggnitz (nine kilometers with tunnel boring machines, note) and Mürzzuschlag (four kilometers in "Handarbeit", note) built. Moreover, Mürzzuschlag is not undermined, but the station is being upgraded. Construction is expected to begin in 2019.


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