Summit with Putin takes place despite accusations


Despite the US indictment of 12 Russian secret service officials, the White House made arrests during the presidential campaign at the summit between US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Trump spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said yesterday in Washington that Monday's meeting in Helsinki would take place as planned.

Earlier, several congressmen, including Democrat Chuck Schumer, had called for the cancellation of a summit meeting. The US judicial system has accused employees of the Russian military intelligence service GRU of hacker attacks during the US presidential campaign in 2016. They are accused of stealing e-mails and documents on computers of the Democratic Party. and the election campaign of their presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, according to the indictment released Friday.

"Impact on Election"

As a result, Russian agents also organized the publication schedule for internal documents. The goal was to get the biggest impact possible on the elections, said Vice Minister of Justice Rod Rosenstein. The cyber attacks revealed a traffic of politically sensitive internal emails, which was extremely unpleasant for Clinton in the election campaign.

The charges go back to the investigations of Special Investigator Robert Mueller, suspected of having intervened in Russia since May 2017.

However, the charges brought against the twelve Russian intelligence agents contain no evidence indication that they could have been in touch with Trump employees.

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