Child Care: The Provincial Governors of the Vice President against the Federal Government


Child care: Provincial governors of the vice president against the federal government

WIEN / LINZ. Stelzer in Vienna Plnen: "the politics on the eyes is different."

  Child care: the governors of the ÖVP against the federal government

Stelzer, Wallner, Schtzenhfer: Not only the federal government's style fights the black provincial governors. Bild: APA

The federal government faces violent headwinds from countries in its child care plans – and also from the VP-rule

Markus Wallner, the governor of Vorarlberg, considers the federal project as "impracticable", His Austrian colleague Thomas Stelzer directed on Friday the federal government: "The policy on the eyes looks different."

The governor of Upper Austria broke several things in federal action around the new federal-Länder agreement on childcare. In the end, 30 million euros less will be made available, and secondly, the link with the ban on headscarves in kindergarten.

"I consider that a headscarf ban for young girls in kindergarten is a useful way of eliminating discrimination. that one, so money for child care, to do with the ban on the headscarf? Stelzer wonders: "These are two different pairs of shoes and, as such, they are also negotiated and discussed separately."

"Inadequate for Municipalities"

Like his colleague Wallner, Stelzer also sees the criteria Federal funding for federal states is essential: "It goes far beyond realities and needs, especially in a federal state like Upper Austria, we have responded well to the needs of parents in Here, as a catalog of criteria prescribed, only a large city, but certainly not the majority of municipalities in Upper Austria. "

In addition, Stelzer is" surprised "with another document that arrived at the federal states. For the Landeslehrer Controlling Regulation, which provides for the cost badumption for teachers in the country, a new project has been transmitted, which could lead to major financial disadvantages for the federal states.

"We are already angry"

"It's not just Stelzer is angry."

Sauer is also Wallner: First let countries wait for months, at middle of summer time, the federal government unfeasible proposals. "We are already angry in the federal states," said Wallner, who refers to his interviews with other provincial governors. (chk)

The black-blue rhythm of the reform provokes opposition

In countries, the pace of the federal government and its lack of humility for details lead to growing discontent

] In May, the governor of Styria Hermann Schtzenhfer (VP) told the Reformed-Ankndigungen that he is now waiting for headlines on "substantial successes".
Salzburg general manager Wilfried Haslauer (VP) fell with the statement, Sebastian Short's Trkis was a marketing gag, he (Haslauer) was a black man.

Haslauer is not in the process of asylum policy. The qualified lawyer spoke this week of ways to stop the deportation of well integrated apprentices. He will discuss with the president

In the reform of health insurance, the Austrian Thomas Stelzer expressed reservations: premium income generated in Upper Austria must continue to benefit the insured.
The Governor of Tyrol Gnter Platter warned "Sensitivity at the Brenner border", more controls would not hurt the country.


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