The bicycle companies "Obike" and "Ofo" withdraw from Vienna


By turning off the wheels where you want, these wheels are stumbling blocks.

<img clbad = "" src = "×768.jpg" alt = "A man scans the QR code of Ofo bike to borrow.Ofo bike by Jon Russel / CC BY 2.0

"Ofo" and "Obike" are the largest providers of self-service bikes in Vienna. gathered about 1,700 bicycles. "Ofo" was tested with 200 bikes in Vienna in the second district.

BIZEPS has already reported problems early:

One of the biggest advantages of the system is that customers are not not attached to a stationary pickup station.] But this point has proven to be a disadvantage for people with disabilities.By being able to extinguish the wheels where you want, these wheels become tripping hazards for people who are visually impaired or blind, and sometimes they become a barrier for wheelchair users or those who are helped. 9659006] Other criticisms are that some vendors do not even handle complaints and that the distribution or repair of the wheels is not organized by these companies. But now it's over.

Withdrawal announced

Companies "Obike" and "Ofo" withdraw from Vienna after one year. Thus, there is only one small bike rental system in Vienna called "Donkey Republic" with 150 rental bikes, but you have to bring to public Radabstellplatz and can not park somewhere.

As there are city bikes in Vienna and qualitatively better than "Ofo" and "Obike", Vienna does not need such wheels. In addition, Viennese also like to walk. According to the mobility agency, the number of trails will increase.

On August 1, 2018, a new ordinance will come into force that will impose stricter rules on providers and users of prohibited rental bicycles, although at that time the rental bicycles will be almost entirely new. Nevertheless, this regulation is not in vain, because if "Obike" does not withdraw from Vienna, the regulation of the city of Wiendank may have removed it, says the representative of Radstadt, Martin Blum [19659011]. The bikes are leaning against each other near a guide line. “Width =” 1920 “height =” 1080 “srcset =” 1920w ,×169.jpg 300w, 08 / ofo_viele-768×432.jpg 768w,×57 6.jpg 1024w “sizes =” (largeur max: 1920px) 100vw, 1920px “/>

Share the city of Shenzhen in China by Chris / CC BY-SA 2.0

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