Grasser must ask himself some other questions «


Yesterday again, the former minister Karl-Heinz Grbader had to explain the famous "mother-in-law's money". New evidence, however, caused a sensation

By Christina Traar | 09:00, 18. July 2018


Also on 45th day of the trial stands the former minister Karl-Heinz Grbader in the center of the Buwog process. Judge Marion Hohenecker will again ask him detailed questions about the privatization of Buwog and the Linzer Terminal Tower. As a reminder: Grbader is accused of accepting gifts from officials, falsified evidence and unfaithfulness. He denies the allegations, that is the presumption of innocence.

At 9:30 it starts, the Kleine Zeitung reports live from the court.

What Happened Yesterday

Even Before Judge Marion Hohenecker Interview with Former Finance Minister Grbader Could Continue, His Defender Norbert Wess took the floor. Visibly annoyed, he explained that the prosecutor had brought new elements of investigation into the proceedings.

More than 1000 pages are the records, which is the computer badysis of the accused Gerald Toifl's lawyer . It will be studied further during the process, Wess scolded. He and Toifl's lawyer then asked not to allow the documents. While the Senate withdrew for an hour and a half, the other Grbader attorney, Manfred Ainedter, said the documents did not contain anything incriminating anyway. "Nevertheless, we can not let this happen." The judge adjourned the decision and resumed the interrogation of Grbader.

Den again took money from the mother-in-law. It is the 500,000 euros that the first current defendant paid to Meinl Bank in 2005 – in cash. He did not ask for a voucher for the deposit, everything was stored in the bank anyway, Grbader said. He reiterated that it was money that he was supposed to spend on his mother-in-law. He had heard of "no money", the money was – including the profit – flowed back. "Why should I, from where I come from a humble background, give money to my wife's wealthy family?" Everything was "legal" expired, with the sale of federal apartments (Buwog) also have money.

of the trial of yesterday – in which the judge Grbader admonishes – read here .



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