The man sleeps with a cigarette


A 32-year-old man fell asleep Wednesday night in Vienna-Penzing with a lit cigarette in a garbage bin and so ignited his pants. He ran screaming out of the room and pulled his pants off the sidewalk. The man was hospitalized with severe burns, police reported on Thursday.

At approximately 7:30 pm, a witness contacted the police. The 32-year-old man was already asleep in the trash room of the residential complex Pfaffenbergengbade. The police found the man shouting loudly because of the intense pain. The Viennese professional rescue staff provided it to him on the spot, rather he was brought to the hospital for further treatment. The 32-year-old man was in this garbage room, but he did not quite know "he lives elsewhere," said police spokesman Harald Sörös (f, b, e , v, n, t, s).
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