SP-Niessl attacks the government for a lax asylum class


In itself, SPÖ politicians still criticize the government's harsh policy against the asylum seeker, the policy of Interior Minister Herbert Kickl being heartless. In this regard, the advance of Burgenland Provincial Governor Hans Niessl on Sunday is a huge surprise – Niessl attacked the coalition virtually on the other side:

Against short. Niessl calls for more efforts on the part of the Presidency of the EU Council – that is to say of Chancellor Sebastian Kurz – "The fact that we need a European solution has been debated for years, there is a lot of discussion – and there is little implementation Short since 2011 in the federal government – it would have taken at least seven years to find solutions for the protection of external borders in the EU as foreign minister. "The first month of the EU presidency was" a complete failure. "

250,000: Niessl receives information from the apparatus security bang. Niessl also pointed out another point: "Another problem we do not talk about at all is the large number of irregular migrants. Conservative estimates suggest that this represents about 250,000 people. It's a city like Graz. Not a good condition, "said politician SPÖ According to statements by his office, Niessl quotes" information from the security apparatus. "And he calls for more border controls:" Currently, about fifty refugees arrive in Austria every day. As long as the external borders are not protected, we have to do it ourselves. "

The coalition is first baff – and then riposte

This was not planned in the government.Interior Minister Herbert Kickl in AUSTRIA:" I can not understand this " (see interview below) The Secretary General of the ÖVP, Karl Nehammer, is surprised:" Niessl has apparently forgotten which party he belongs to. The big brakeman sits in the SPÖ. "

© Lisi Niesner

Kickl counters: "Working at all levels"

Interior Minister Kickl reacts in AUSTRIA: "I do not understand the criticism of Niessl.We work at all levels to protect the 39, Austria from a chaotic migratory wave as in 2015 under the leadership of a SPÖ Chancellor.For this purpose, we founded the Puma border patrol force. "

■ Alliance with Rome and Berlin :

"We are in close contact with the states along the Balkan route and are successfully combating smuggling here, and I agree with my colleagues from the Interior Ministry Seehofer and Salvini The "Workers' Co-operation" has realized in a very short time that landings figures in Italy have fallen sharply and, as a result, fewer illegal migrants continue to Austria. "

■ Kickl is pushing back more: "At the same time we place in Austria Ac 100 on the expulsion of legal asylum seekers who have obtained a negative decision and thus reside illegally. "

More and more expulsions to the homeland

6 096 foreigners had to leave Austria this year.

■ 6 096 foreigners were expelled from the country on 1 July. [19659002] ■ Forced eviction of 2,106 – 38% increase over the previous year

■ Voluntarily 2,582 left – 4% more, this number stagnates

■ Dublin: transfers to the other EU countries are down: 2,085 in 2017, only 1,408 (-32%) this year

Fewer asylum applications in Austria

Extrapolated from here the end of the year In 2018, 14,000 asylum seekers arrived in Austria:

■ Fewer applications 7,098 people applied for asylum from January to June – 44% less than in 2017 – there were 12 673. The lowest since 2011.

■ Decisions: Since January, 29 000 asylum applications have been decided, well over half, concretely 1 6,544, were legally negative

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