How to prevent the hallux valgus'


Hallux valgus leads to deformity of the foot, pain, swelling and redness. But you can take precautions.

05.10, July 23, 2018

  Hallux valgus
Hallux valgus © Lamiot / Himmelhoch PR

Often the cause of The hallux valgus is hereditary connective tissue weakness, which results in a squeezing and spreading foot. The reduced tension of the ligaments causes the foot to flatten, which tends the transverse camber of the foot while walking and makes it wider and wider.

This enlargement causes weak ligaments between the metatarsal bones and promotes tilting. , "Besides the hereditary predisposition wearing false shoes is the most common cause.Shoes that are too narrow or too sharp or too high heels deform the foot, increase the pressure on the forefoot and aggravate the severity of the deformity.Accessing proper footwear is therefore essential for the health of the feet, "says orthopedist Max Böhler.Obsence can also negatively affect the 39, hallux valgus, because additional pressure is exerted on the big toe (Hallux).

Correct symptoms

The symptoms of hallux valgus are usually recognized very quickly by the typical deformity of the foot. The big toe joint pushes inward while the big toe pushes outward, creating a clear protuberance inside the foot. "Initially, the frostballen is only lean r and sometimes blushed. If the Hallux is not treated and continues to wear the wrong shoes, the features become stronger. Subsequently, the big toe grows on or under the small neighbor and leads to deformities of other toes, "warns Böhler.

Where initially there was only one aesthetic problem, the hallux valgus becomes a painful advanced stage companion can no longer be unrolled without pain and the sufferer has motion sickness. In this case, the malposition can only be treated with one operation. Using an X-ray, the extent of deformity can be accurately determined and appropriate therapy recommended by the orthopedist

Toe Exercises

If there is already a genetic predisposition for a hallux valgus – parents are affected -,

Exercises, physiotherapy and wearing comfortable shoes are the first step to reduce the risk of malposition. Even short exercises such as tiptoe or tiptoe, have a positive effect on the health of the feet

When the first signs of deformation appear, symptoms such as pain and inflammation can be mitigated. comfortable shoes, shoe soles with support and hallux valgus splints. Complaints can be weakened and the aggravation of misalignment can be slowed down. However, a correction is not possible

Surgery is the final measure

If misalignment is simply an aesthetic defect, surgery is not essential, but can be considered with an orthopedist. In the worst case, if there is constant pain during walking, the malposition must be corrected surgically. In surgery, the correct position of the foot and the alignment of the toe joint are restored. "There are many surgical methods to correct hallux valgus.The type of intervention appropriate for the individual patient is best clarified with the orthopedist," recommends Böhler.But surgery is the last resort you should not wait too long to minimize the risk of complications.

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