Macrons, a former Mauling employee, just wanted to help the police. "


He only wanted to help the police, so Alexandre Benalla defended his actions at the May Day rally when he beat the protesters. Former security chief of French President Emmanuel Macron had the statement filed Monday through the intermediary of his lawyers.

The incident was exploited for "media and political" purposes, according to the lawyers. It was the first time that Benalla publicly commented on the case. President Macron is under pressure in the case. Until now, he has not commented. The fact that he himself was aware of the incident is still not clear.

The video shows shots

The newspaper "Le Monde" published a few days ago a video showing Benalla and the employee accused of the government party The Republic in March (LREM), Vincent Crase, beat the protesters at the May 1st rally. Benalla was wearing a police helmet, although he was not a policeman.

It is only in the "World" publications that the prosecution began its investigations. Benalla and Crase are also the subject of an investigation against three police officers who allegedly filmed CCTV cameras in the city of Paris.

The two defeated men and the police union Vigi want to appear as co-complainants

The Minister of the Interior rejects responsibility

Interior Minister Gerard Collomb rejected any Guilt in the case. Speaking to the National Assembly in Paris, he said Monday that he had been informed a day later of the existence of a video showing the use of force by Benalla . His staff had already informed the police headquarters and the presidential office at the time

. The responsibility for the case lay with Collomb at the presidential office and the police headquarters. Paris police chief Michel Delpuech was responsible for the Elysee Palace.

The case will also have consequences for the police prefecture, Delpuech said. The "events" are returned to "individual and unacceptable judgments to be condemned in the context of unhealthy buddies."

Macron remains silent

Government spokesman Benjamin Griveaux told RTL on Monday that "Macron was calm and completely determined – the truth to break through". The "shocking" and "unacceptable" behavior of the employee Alexandre Benalla will result in sanctions, according to Griveaux. Nobody is above the law. System deficiencies should be corrected.

Already on Sunday night, he had been called inside the inner circle of Macron, the head of state – who had remained silent before – will speak as soon as all the information is available. Meanwhile, Macron declined the appearance of Wednesday at the Tour de France in the Pyrenees.

President Macron is under increasing pressure in this area. If he himself was aware of the incident in the beginning is still not clear. Interior Minister, Collomb, said he had not spoken directly with President Macron about the case. Tuesday, the minister should testify again, this time before a committee of the French Senate.


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