"Austria is the shooting star of illegal guns"


"Austria is the shooting star of illegal weapons"

VIENNA. There are more than one million firearms registered in Austria. Access to them is sometimes very easy. Rifles can be acquired without any training or examination from the age of 18 years.


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A firearms license is required for handguns. The psychological report required for this can be obtained indefinitely, if the subjects of the test fall.

Markus Schwaiger, owner of the Viennese arms trading company Euroguns and operator of a ski resort approved by the authorities, Thursday criticized the easy access to journalists. There has been a boom in the last two years and, in 2017, the number of legal firearms has increased for the first time to more than one million. As of 1 July 2017, a total of 1,038,816 pistols, revolvers, spears and shotguns were registered in the Central Arms Register (CWR). According to the Ministry of the Interior, 305,029 owners were distributed, and the bar of 300,000 was exceeded for the first time the year before

The disappearance of illegal weapons is absent [19659008AccordingtoSchwaigerthenumberoffirearmsunlawfullyheldinAustriauptotwomillion"Austriaistheshootingstarofillegalfirearms"​​saidtheexpertHecriticizedthefactthatinthiscountrythereisnowaytomakeillegalfirearmswithoutbeingpunished"Thereisnowilltokillillegalweapons"SchwaigersaidHealsopointedoutthat"two-thirdsofallguncrimesarecommittedwithillegalfirearms"

In 2017, 1,084 firearms-related offenses were committed in Austria, according to statistics from the Ministry of the Interior. 353 of the weapons fired were legal, 731 illegal. The comparison becomes clearer in the murders. A total of 170 murders have been delivered with firearms in the last decade. 31% of rifles, pistols, revolvers and Co. (52 in total) were legal. A total of 118 murders were committed with illegal firearms

Video: The law on arms in Austria is very loose

The weapons are divided into categories A to D Most of the weapons registered on July 1st were Category B (Category C). 536,684 of these rifles are legally held in Austria. Then there are 419,843 handguns, semi-automatic firearms and repeated shotguns (category B) and 75,492 shotguns (category D), that is, smooth-barreled shotguns. Of the weapons no longer approved for sale, such as the Pumpgun, and war material (category A), 6,797 were registered on July 1.

Easy access to guns (categories C and D) causes "abdominal pain". For that, it is enough to be 18 years old, to be citizen of the EEE and not to have ban of arms. Anyone who decides to buy one of these weapons, such as a shotgun or shotgun, can only take them with them after a "cooling down" phase, so they must wait for three days. Schwaiger recalled the case of an 18-year-old conscript who had planned a mbadacre in Mistelbach in May and injured a 19-year-old boy in front of a school center with a bullet shot from a shotgun that was "deadly". he had acquired legally.


"Price is the only obstacle"

"The only obstacle to shoulder guns is the price," Schwaiger said. The expensive in hunting weapons is on the lookout, here it quickly adds up to several thousand euros. These then have a precise range of up to 900 meters. A used rifle can already be bought from 150 euros. The bottom line is that no gun card and no firearm card are required for a large number of rifles, and that they can be acquired without instruction. neither training

. B. For their acquisition, you need a gun card or a weapon card. As of July 1, there were 197,152 weapons possession cards throughout Austria, plus Waffenpsse 74,813. The latter is almost the same as the number of weapons bans – 73,232 Austrians are covered by a ban on weapons.

A weapon card is issued only if necessary or with justification, with this document the weapon can also be transported. Already since the late 1990s, a psychological report is required for those who apply for a firearm card or firearm in order to acquire Clbad B weapons, primarily pistols and revolvers. The psychic test can be repeated indefinitely, there is no central registry of people who have pbaded a weapons badessment and who have failed. So this circumstance criticized Schwaiger. The professional badociation of Austrian psychologists (BP) was also in favor of a migrant register two years ago.

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