From "Brexit" to "Magic Flute": Short film from May to Salzburg


During the Salzburg Festival this afternoon, Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) met with British Prime Minister Theresa May for a job interview. At the Sacher Hotel, they protested briefly in front of the badembled reporters, but media questions were ruled out in advance.

In brief: Respect the decision of the British

Briefly, his colleague made his first visit to London on 9 July. the "Magic Flute" has been invited. He still sees the "Brexit" negative, he said today, but we must accept the decision of the British people. It is now time to bring the output as best as possible to the scene and avoid a hard "Brexit". He also hopes that relations between Austria and Britain, as well as relations between the EU and Britain, will continue to be good even after they leave.

  British Prime Minister Theresa May and Chancellor Sebastian Kurz

APA / Barbara Gindl

meant that there had been a lot since Kurz's visit to London. The British government has presented a white paper on future relations with the EU, while the Trump Juncker agreement has prevented the impending trade dispute with the United States. She especially wanted to use discussions with Kurz to discuss relations between the two countries in the coming years.

The British Prime Minister landed in Salzburg shortly before the meeting with Kurz and will be informal Saturday morning with the Federal President. Alexander Van der Bellen in Salzburg. In short, before the meeting with May met for a joint photo shoot with his Estonian counterparts Jüri Ratas and Andrej Babis of the Czech Republic – more in

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