Migration expert for the Center for Refugees in Spain «kleinezeitung.at


The brain of the EU-Turkey Refugee Pact, Gerald Knaus, has proposed a reception center for migrants in Spain. "Currently, more people arrive in Spain by sea than through Italy," said the Austrian political adviser at "Welt" (Monday). Only between Friday and Sunday, the Spanish maritime rescue has secured more than 1,400 people at sea.

03:01, July 30, 2018


"We need a coalition of affected states to show what practical solutions may look like," continued Knaus, and he continued: " Why Germany, France and the Netherlands do not work together? With Madrid, a reception center in Spain? "

Decisions on asylum should be taken in a few weeks, as in the Netherlands, and independent lawyers should ensure fair procedures. Recognized refugees could be distributed in Germany, France, Spain and the Netherlands. Anyone rejected must return immediately to the countries of origin. For this, he needs agreements with the most important countries of origin in Africa, said the researcher on migration. "If these help to immediately remove anyone who does not need protection after a deadline, legal migration quotas in the form of a work visa or scholarship would be promised."

Austria and the head of the European Stability Initiative take the initiative to solve the European migration crisis. In Germany, there is "a majority for the support of really vulnerable people". According to Knaus, this majority is currently seeking a policy that also promises control

. The attention of the refugee crisis in the Mediterranean has increasingly shifted to Spain. The Spanish government has called for a European solution and more badistance from EU partners this weekend.

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