Cylinder burning gas in a residential area – COBRA pulls a bottle


Wiener Neustadt: Risk of explosion in the inhabited zone share

Several small explosions made the inhabitants of the Wiener Neustädter Gymelsdorfer Vorstadt wince this afternoon (30 July 2018). The origin of the explosion was controlled shots of COBRA officials on a bottle of acetylene gas burning in a manufacturing hall in the residential area during the fire department

House was released

The workers of a metallurgical company in the Gymelsdorfer Gbade immediately react exemplary, as the first flames of the gas cylinder. The workers were able to quickly extinguish the flames using portable fire extinguishers. However, as the bottle was leaking and there was a danger of explosion, the workers evacuated the company and contacted the fire department.

Shortly after the announcement, firefighters from Wiener Neustadt moved to the site with several vehicles. As one of the first on the ground, BR operations chief Josef Bugnar urged the alert level to reach the highest B4 category, making the sirens scream. "Given that the production hall was located in built-up areas and that there were other potentially explosive objects in the danger zone, a siren was needed in order to have enough of the services available. In the event of an explosion, as there was always a danger of explosion, especially in the initial phase, the firefighters also evacuated an opposing multi-party house. "

Target shots on the gas cylinder

The gas cylinder was continuously cooled by water cannons. reduce. To this end, a special launcher has been installed, which operates independently without human intervention, to protect the emergency services

As usual in such situations, the COBRA has been called on to handle the vial safely pull from far by the emergency services. The special ammunition used here causes controlled combustion of the escaping gas. However, he came up with several small explosions, which came from both the shots as well as the gas that suddenly ignites. Subsequently, the bottle was inspected with thermal imaging cameras.

Many Field Forces

After the danger was averted, all forces were able to return. The Wiener Neustadt fire department was in action with seven vehicles and 36 men. In addition, the Red Cross, the police and the COBRA working group were in action. The Viennese magistrate Neustädter Magistratsdirektor Markus Biffl was also present to get an idea of ​​what was happening

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