Mitgrantinnen often affected by an unwanted pregnancy – health


31.07.2018 13:09

(Law 31.07.2018 13:09)

  Co-founders are 2.5 times more likely to become pregnant.

Co-founders are 2.5 times more likely to become pregnant.
© (Subject)

A survey shows that many migrant women have an abortion. In order to better inform patients about contraception in the future, greater involvement of gynecologists and multilingual counseling should help.

About 47 percent of all women who had an abortion were not born in Austria. But their share of the population is about 19%. Although an unwanted pregnancy can happen to any woman, women are 2.5 times more likely than women born in Austria

Abortion: almost half are female migrants [19659009] This is the result of a survey at the Gynmed Outpatient Clinic. At 17%, women from the former Yugoslavia have the largest share of migrants, followed by women from Turkey (5%). DDr. Christian Fiala, head of the Gynmed Outpatient Clinic, therefore calls for targeted prevention measures for these women. For example, information in multiple languages ​​and the use of highly effective methods of birth control.

Gynecologists should be more involved in prevention than up to now, what most women want, like Österr. Contraceptive report shows impressively. In addition to providing advice, medical specialists may also prescribe or use the necessary methods.

Information on foreign languages ​​and contraceptives required on a health certificate

Unfortunately, this is not currently the case: the regional health insurance funds do not cover doctors. The tax was even recovered from doctors who had given advice on health insurance. Unfortunately, the GKK contributes indirectly to the unnecessarily high number of abortions, "says Fiala in an unkind way.

In summary, the contraceptive expert Fiala recommends the development of information in foreign languages, as well as the medical contraception and methods of contraception.
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