Small round concrete table on dogs – News


The little Waris died as a result of a Rottweiler bite. The worst, but by far not the only dog ​​attack in recent months.

After requests from all directions for stricter and mostly uniform laws for dog owners throughout Austria, Health Minister Beate Hartinger-Klein (FPÖ), organized a round table with the veterinary chamber, the Kynologenverband, the Vienna Veterinary University and the head of the office. Bundesländer charged.

First a study

The interview took place Monday night, but the results are, to say the least, unclear. First, we want to commission a study on the "human-animal relationship". In three months, when Vetmed wants to finish his study, the round table will continue.

All the same

The competence for the law on dogs should in principle continue to belong to the countries, underlined the minister. Hartinger-Klein precludes the federal government from pbading a law for the whole of Austria. Everything remains the same: "The subject must be treated at the regional level," said the minister.

She herself pleaded for a general duty of bite and leash for all dogs. As a precautionary measure, should rather be "at the holder".

Transnational registration

The minister also wanted the Länder to provide each other under similar conditions. The model is Styria, says Hartinger-Klein. There could be more general standards in the training of licensees.

At least the outstanding dog registration should be extended to the whole country. Means: People with a problem dog should no longer simply be able to change state. In this case, no information about the animal is available.

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