INF conflict: Putin reacts "accordingly" to the exit of the United States – Politics –


24.10.2018 19:50

(Act 24.10.2018 20:00)

According to Putin, Europe could also have serious consequences

According to Putin, Europe could also have serious consequences

Russia is forced to take countermeasures if, as announced, the United States withdraws from one of the most important nuclear disarmament treaties. This could also have serious consequences for Europe, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday in Moscow at a press conference with Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte.

If, after the expiry of the INF (intermediate range nuclear forces) agreement, the European states agreed to place US missiles on their territory, Russia "will naturally have to react accordingly", he declares. "I do not understand why it is necessary to put Europe at risk," said the head of the Kremlin.

The so-called INF treaty concluded in 1987 between the United States and the Soviet Union prohibited the construction and possession of nuclear-weapon-based cruise missiles and land-based missiles with a range of 500 at 5,500 kilometers. The United States has long accused Russia of breaking the treaty with the development of a cruise missile called 9M729. The United States has no evidence of a violation on the part of Russia, Putin said.

The United States remains tough on the announced release of the agreement, despite criticism from Russia and Europe. US President Donald Trump made the decision, his security advisor, John Bolton, said after talks in Moscow. Nevertheless, Russia and the United States want to hold two summits in 2019 in the capitals of Washington and Moscow. "I think (the decision) is very clear and clear, so we inform our allies," said the Interfax news agency Wednesday.

Russia wants to stick to the contract. That is why President Vladimir Putin, addressing Bolton, suggested he speak directly to Trump. The occasion presents itself November 11 in Paris in commemoration of the end of the First World War, 100 years ago. The US president accepted the proposal "I think something positive could result," he told the White House.

Bolton announced that Paris could also prepare two more US-Russian summits in 2019. Trump's invitation to Putin continued to apply. "First of all, it is possible to organize a large-scale summit in Washington, and then later in the year, the return visit from Trump to Moscow could take place," he said. -he declares.

Russia is in principle ready for reciprocal visits, said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov. The subject has been discussed several times. "Concrete decisions do not exist yet."

The US security adviser had pleaded in two directions in Moscow against the agreement on nuclear forces at intermediate range (INF), which he described as "outdated and outdated". First of all, Bolton accused Russia of violating the agreement with tests on a new cruise missile. On the other hand, the treaty binds the United States, while emerging military powers such as China, North Korea, or Iran are armed with medium-range missiles.

The complete destruction of this category of weapons has brought more security to Europe over the decades. However, according to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, the termination of the INF Treaty will hardly lead to further nuclear rearmament in Europe. "I do not expect the Allies to lay more nuclear weapons in Europe in response to the new Russian cruise missile," the Norwegian said in Brussels. Nevertheless, the consequences of recent developments for NATO should be discussed. At ambbadadorial level, there should be more discussions this week.

Many NATO partners criticize Trump's announcements. In summer, the Allies had actually agreed to defend the "innovative arms control treaty". Russia's alleged violation of the treaty should be addressed and resolved through dialogue. Stoltenberg did not comment on Trump's attitude. He stressed that the main problem is that Russia does not respect the treaty. "We do not want a new cold war or a new arms race," said Stoltenberg.

Relations between the United States and Russia are also strained apart from the issue of armaments. US intelligence accuses Russia of interfering in the US election campaign in favor of Trump, who wants to have good relations with Putin. Washington also accuses Moscow of being responsible for the poisoning of Russian double agent Sergej Skripal in the United Kingdom. Tensions also provoke the conflict in Ukraine for years, in which, according to the West, Moscow militarily supports the pro-Russian rebels.

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