Highest life expectancy in Spain and Switzerland


At 83.7 years, according to Eurostat, life expectancy in Switzerland is the longest in Europe. In terms of regions, however, the Spaniards live the longest: Madrid is 85.2 years old, just ahead of Ticino, which reaches 85 years.

Then come two other Spanish regions, La Rioja and Castilla y Leon, as well as Italian Trentino. The average life expectancy at birth is 84.3 years, as shown by Friday's Eurostat data.

In Switzerland, the Lake Geneva region, 84.2 years after Ticino, is in second place behind Central Switzerland (84.0), Zurich (83.9) and North West Switzerland (83.6). and Eastern Switzerland (83.4). The background is Space Mittelland (83.1).

The regions with the lowest life expectancy in Europe are all in the eastern part of the EU. In Bulgaria, the inhabitants of the Severozapaden region die 11.9 years earlier than those in Madrid, with only 73.3 years.

According to Eurostat figures for 2016, Spain (83.5 years), Italy (83.4 years), France, Luxembourg and Cyprus (82.7 years each) are rank behind the figures of Switzerland. The shortest life expectancy concerns Bulgarians, Latvians and Lithuanians with only 74.9 years. (SDA)

Posted on 26.10.2018 | Updated 20 minutes ago

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