The misadventure Facebook of Strache makes you smile


"THE END OF JUNCKER & MERKEL!", Is capitalized at the beginning of a message from the head of the FPÖ and Vice Chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache. On his private profile, he again launched a mbadive attack against the EU. Juncker embodies "just about everything that is wrong in the European Union" and even had to declare publicly: "I am not an alcoholic". Then Strache apparently pulls on Merkel. In a "political blitzkrieg", she wanted to impose on all of Europe its culture of welcome. And at the end of the text follows the statement that Juncker and Merkel are now independent.

Copy paste

Until here, so normal. Any sentences that could come from Strache's pen. But at the end of the display of anger, there are capital letters: "FELIX". Well, what was going on there? Attentive users immediately noticed the misstep and could not resist one or the other comment. Felix, of course, is Felix Baumgartner, a sports and extreme sports columnist. Strache seems to have copied the text from his 1: 1 profile. But as a declared FPÖ fan, it could hardly be a problem for All-Felix.


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