Attack of a synagogue in Pittsburgh: the fruits of anger


Washington. Shortly before Donald Trump's half-time elections, the United States is undergoing a dramatic escalation of political violence. The trapped letters to prominent opponents of the president are followed Saturday by an attack on a synagogue killing eleven dead.

In the final phase of the election campaign, the debate on the causes of hate crimes and Trump's responsibility for the brutalization of the political climate will be highlighted. The president himself is complaining of the poisoned feeling in the country following a gun-thrown raid on the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh by a suspect. For anti-Semitism and other forms of hatred, there should be "no tolerance".

For a short while, Trump also plans to take an election break – but then goes to a rally in the state of Illinois. There, despite his intention to mitigate the "tone", he does not completely cancel the aggressive rhetoric of his repertoire. He calls his critics "very stupid people".

" The main reason "

Meanwhile, outside of Trump Camp, voices are gathering to witness in violence the fruits of anger that the president has fueled with his slanderous rhetoric.

Under Trump, there is a climate "in which the feelings of white nationalists and other hate groups are no longer repressed," writes Karen Tumulty, editorialist at the Washington Post. Trump is the "main cause" of the climate that produces such acts, says David Rothkopf, former member of the government led by President Bill Clinton, in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz.


However, the reason for the alleged letter and the man arrested immediately after the bloodbath in Pittsburgh can only be partially reduced to a common denominator.

Cesar S., 56, a native of Florida, allegedly sent at least 13 explosives, including Hillary Clinton and former President Barack Obama, is obviously a fanatical fan of Trump. He participated in Trump events, spread his hatred of his opponents on online networks and sealed his van with Pro Trump stickers.

In contrast, the alleged murderer of the synagogue, Robert B., does not seem to be a supporter of the president. The online platform "Gab" should not only have broadcast antisemitic hate speech, but also criticisms against Trump. The president is "surrounded" by Jews, CNN quotes a note from the author identified by B.

This probably means among other things the Trump family. Jared Kushner, the son-in-law and advisor to the president, is an Orthodox Jew. His daughter Ivanka accepted her husband's faith.

On the other hand, Trump has repeatedly sent signals that can be understood by the right-wing extremist scene as an encouragement. This includes his outrageous comment about the gathering of right wing extremists in Charlottesville in the summer of 2017, among the attendees there were "very good people".

Politically motivated offenses

In any case, statistics show that since the inauguration of Trump, the number of crimes committed for political reasons in the United States has increased significantly. According to research done by university researchers, the number of "hate-motivated crimes" in larger cities has increased by 12% in 2017. According to the US Anti-Defamation League, the number of "hate-motivated crimes" in the largest cities has increased by 12% in 2017. According to the US Anti-Defamation League, the number of "Specific anti-Semitic incidents jumped 57% between 2016 and 2017.

In the case of the murderer of the synagogue, however, there are some indications that he was motivated not only by the hatred of the Jews, but also by the immigrants. In his alleged online contributions, he is agitated against the organization of aid to Jewish refugees Hias and accuses him of funding the current route of refugees from Central America. Immigrants denounce the author as "invaders who kill our people".

There are worrying parallels with the president's rhetoric, which denigrates illegal immigrants as a threat to security – and denounces the refugee march as "an attack on our country".

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