Flood risk in East Tyrol, storm and more than 20 degrees in North Tyrol


Innsbruck – The tumultuous autumn climate continues at the beginning of the new week. Südföhn, in the Northern Alps, blows a storm that exceeds 20 degrees. On the other hand, heavy rainfall in East Tyrol and South Tyrol continues. "In just a few days, it rains here as much as in the middle of October," said Christian Pehsl of the Central Institute of Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG).

In East Tyrol, people are preparing for the worst case since Sunday. "Due to the heavy rainfall and expected additional rainfall, flooding can not be ruled out in East Tyrol according to the current rainfall distribution and the snowfall limit." Precipitation peaks are expected Monday afternoon and Tuesday in the first half of the night.

The danger of landslide continues to increase

Particularly in the lower reaches of Isel and Drau and their tributaries, it can not be ruled out that rivers sometimes overflow their banks and that settlement areas are also affected. "Local operations monitor the situation accurately and can be activated at any time if necessary," said District Chief Olga Reisner.

As geologist Gunther Heissel knows, continuous rains bring not only floods, but also dangers: "Soils are saturated, especially in East Tyrol, but also in parts of North Tyrol. of landslides ".

In East Tyrol, the roads were already closed on Sunday. The heavy rain continues Monday.

– Brunner images

Moreover, in South Tyrol, heavy rains fell and no relaxation is in sight on Monday. Firefighters were called to 150 missions Sunday. A regional situation center has been set up within the Bolzano fire brigade. Provincial Councilor Arnold Schuler (SVP) called the Land headquarters Monday morning.

Carinthia prepares for a flood

In Carinthia, on Monday morning, the wait prevailed. During the night, the water levels of the rivers did not increase alarmingly, but at noon, meteorologists counted on abundant new rains.

Isolated Sunday, the Gail had already overflowed the banks, to the Drava there was initially lowering the tanks of several meters still enough buffer. The forces were expecting an increase in the water level Monday night or Tuesday night. In Lavamünd, affected by a devastating flood six years ago, all preparations were made over the weekend to prevent water from entering residential buildings. Still in the lower Mölltal, in the district of Spittal, we expect floods

A storm can reach 120 km / h Monday in the Tyrol

During the month of the south, the foehn attacks with gusts of storm and sometimes strong gusts of storm in many valleys of the Northern Alps. "The Föhn is mostly found in the clbadic Föhn valleys, such as the Brandnertal, the Wipptal, in the greater Innsbruck region and in the Tauern valleys," says Spatzierer. "Gusts of 80 to 100 km / h are quite possible here." Sometimes winds up to 120 km / h are possible.

On the night of Tuesday, the depth of the Gulf of Genoa heads north over the Alps. The storm gusts then sweep almost all of Austria. In the south, less exposed to the wind, we can reach gusts of up to 100 km / h – here threatened damage, such as felled trees.

Up to 24 degrees in the lowlands

Monday's temperatures north of the Alps reach exceptionally high levels with the Föhn. The hottest Tyrolean and Salzkammergut regions from Salzburg and Upper Austria to Mostviertel. Up to 24 degrees are reached in these areas, but it is also hot in the lowlands of the east, between 20 and 22 degrees. "Among the records of October, but we remain very far away, they were usually settled in early October," says the meteorologist.

Föhnig and little rain for All Saints

The winter is not in sight for the following days. According to ZAMG forecasts, Austria will remain in the Föhnige Südströmung on Wednesday. In many parts of the country, the sun is predominant and only thick clouds of fog can darken the sun. Only in the stagnant days of the south, the clouds are already dense during the day. Apart from a few drops of rain in the evening, it stays dry. The wind blows at Föhnstrichen on the main ridge of the Alps and to the east is partly animated from south-east to south. The first temperatures are reached with 1 to 8 degrees, the daily maximums between 12 and 18 degrees.

Thursday, it remains föhnig the day of All Saints, alternating sun and clouds. Rain showers are possible on the main ridge, otherwise it is dry according to current forecasts. In East Tyrol, it is rather cloudy and it is likely raining. The maximum temperatures during the day are between 12 and 15 degrees. (TT.com, APA)

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