Press review: It is questionable whether Merz would be able to unify the Union


"The question of whether anyone like Friedrich Merz would be able to reunite the Union is questionable enough."

"Stuttgarter Zeitung": "The question of whether anyone like Friedrich Merz would be able to reunite the Union is questionable, but these doubts persist among all candidates: the young conservative Jens Spahn is too provocative for some," said General Secretary Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer. Prime Minister Armin Laschet and Daniel Günther, who may also be throwing themselves into the ring, are wondering if they could emancipate from Merkel's legacy – or even want it. "

"S & he inherits from Merkel, it also means a personal satisfaction for Merz"

"Fulda newspaper": "In the CDU, the reorientation as a conservative people's party is a reality – no one wants to be late, which is why the potential successors and successors of Angela Merkel to the presidency of the CDU have visibly been eager since Monday , each throwing his hat in the ring – There is much to suggest about Friedrich Merz, 62, who would have liked to run the CDU 15 years ago, but was later ousted by Merkel. Sauerlander, conservative and economically liberal, has long been waiting for a new chance.If he succeeds in Merkel, it also means a personal satisfaction for Merz: the CDU can hope to send back the voters of the right democratic spectrum, and the bells of Alarm should be on alert. "

"Merkel has every reason to prevent this candidate"

"Südkurier": "The Chancellor wanted one less problem, she now has one more: in the fight for succession, her former rival Friedrich Merz officially throws her hat.The 62-year-old woman contrasts with the price and charisma. Angela Merkel For this very reason, he finds among the conservatives of the CDU enough supporters who support his unexpected return.If anyone can embody a change of course of the CDU, then the Sauerland man However, this remains a high-risk game Chancellor Merkel's plans are thwarted in early December and she can not remain three years at the head of the government under the leadership of a party leader with a personal account. immediately takes the post of Chancellor Merkel has every reason to prevent this candidate. "

"The fight for the succession of the party leader Merkel has everything"

"Stuttgarter Nachrichten": The fight for Merkel's successor to the party leader has everything for her. The party's base – although it has no chance of primary elections – aspires to a clearer direction, outlines, a greater confrontation with political opponents, like Merkel as that last Chancellor of a Resterampe- The coalition with this revived party can and wants to harmonize, she is in the stars. Your announcement of wanting to stay as head of government until the end of the legislature or coalition is at best a godly lie, because of course they will have to come off earlier than expected from a party friend with Chancellor bonus to send in the race, when the new election is pending. "

"The CDU is alive after Merkel's renunciation"

"Straubinger Tagblatt": "The CDU is flourishing after Merkel quits, the end of the last dominion of the great president, after the phase of pale personalities and drafts of faded programs." The party rightly expects exciting candidacies and new ideas And many people will probably agree: at least until the party congress in mid-December, the CDU can now expect lively debates on future direction at all levels, which is a pure democracy and could give the party a boost in the next elections – give Merkel the last big favor at his party. "

"Friedrich Merz is a candidate for the presidency of the CDU. This is good news. "

"The world" (Berlin): "Friedrich Merz is running for president of the CDU, which is good news, not only for the party, but for the whole political community." Yes, given the increasingly obvious crisis of political representation, one can even say: good news This nomination does not give Christian Democracy the opportunity to return to the past, but rather to clarify its future because with Merz, who always knew how to polarize, there is not only one choice, but one political style: the development of content differences. within the political center (instead of the demographics correcting the last differences) and the desire for controversy, which makes the speech possible in the first place (instead of the drowsiness of the voters for lack of alternatives). "

"The CDU will have to look for a bridge builder"

"Westfälische Nachrichten" (Münster): "(…) Merkel is not party, nor is the liberal wing of the CDU." Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer – already ridiculed as a clone Merkel – can not pbad easily in front of the Conservatives. "And what will happen when Merz The Conservative is opposed to the liberal wing.The CDU will have to look for a bridge builder able to support both sides and merge.Exactly: There is still a North Rhine -Westphalia: Armin Laschet, he just should not report too late? "

In the video: Stegner: SPD Spahn's dream candidate for Merkel's successor

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