"Stupid" government decision "kleinezeitung.at


Former Green MEP Cohn-Bendit strongly criticizes Austria's decision to withdraw from the pact. Friday night, however, 109,000 people signed the protest campaign against the departure of Austria.

22:14, November 2, 2018

More and more criticized: the decision of Chancellor Kurz and Vice Chancellor Strache © APA / HERBERT NEW CONSTRUCTOR

The protest campaign against the Austrian government's withdrawal from the UN Migration Pact is very popular on the Internet. As of Friday night, more than 109,000 people said they support the 23 goals of the "Glocal Pact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration" on the platform www.aufstehn.at.

The #aufstehn badociation sees itself as a civic actor who wants to "reduce the obstacles to access to political processes and allow co-determination". Concrete political consequences are unlikely.

Cohn-Bendit: "stupid" decision

Daniel Cohn-Bendit, former German-French MEP Greens, believes that it is "unbearable that Austria leaves the United Nations pact on migration and refugees". The decision was "stupid, (…) wrong and dangerous for Austria," said Cohn-Bendit in an interview with the "Standard" (Saturday edition).

Given that in many EU countries the right-wing populist parties are turning against the EU, Cohn-Bendit said: "No, that does not worry me! It makes me combative We must put an end to these haunting populist parties Although the Austrian government, while wanting to complain about Europe, finally rejects two things: a withdrawal from the European Union and an exit from the EU. EU, even though the FPÖ has repeatedly said, there is a struggle to shape Europe, and this challenge you have to accept, you can not back down now. "

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