"Escaped from Iran": dubious eulogy of German companies in Washington | Industry News | car


US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo spoke positively about the behavior of the German economy in Iran. Although the German government did not change its mind even after the announcement of Chancellor Angela Merkel's withdrawal, he wanted to keep the nuclear deal with Iran.

"But almost all German companies – people with real money at stake – have made the opposite choice," Pompeo said in an interview with Fox News. "They fled," said Pompeo. "They left the country." German companies reportedly reacted to the sanctions imposed by the United States on Iran.


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Pompeo said he hoped that over time, all European countries would come to the conclusion that Iran was sowing instability in the Middle East and that all the pressures were needed for the to counter. The goal of the United States is to bring democracy back to Iran. The government must change its behavior. There is only one simple request: Iran can behave like a normal country.

The United States will soon revive a second round of sanctions on Iran after President Donald Trump withdrew the United States in May from the nuclear deal with Iran. The other signatories of the agreement – Russia, China, the United Kingdom, France and Germany – remain in agreement.

Vice President of the Federation of German Industries (BDI), Thomas Bauer, recently acknowledged that the EU's aid to companies trading with Iran was ineffective. In addition: Europe launches aid against sanctions against Iran >>

"If the Americans close our business in their country because we are trading as a group in Iran, then the EU will not be able to help us," said Bauer, who runs a civil engineering company. "The leverage of the Americans is so strong that you can not argue with him." (DPA / apa / red)


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