Young man dies because he eats a garden snail "


The rat lung worm (Angiostrongylus cantonensis) is a parasite whose main host is the rat, in whose lungs it lives. As an intermediate host, serve various snails and land crabs. Sea fish can also be experimentally infected, but it is thought that the larvae are not very resistant to seawater. Even humans can become infected with the parasite.

People may be contaminated with contaminated food, including intermediate hosts, and the parasite can cause eosinophilic meningoencephalitis (inflammation of the brain and meninges). The clinical symptoms of rat lungworm infection are severe headache, meningitis, and neurological deficits. The disease can progress to coma and death. Immunodeficient people are particularly at risk (for example, pregnant women, people infected with HIV, people with conbad immunodeficiency). CSF cerebrospinalis usually has a high number of eosinophils.

Source: Wikipedia

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