Curious Monument in the sidewalk of Steyr


A curious story took place in the city of Steyr, Upper Austria. A magistrate oversaw the paving of the village square and urged the workers in front of the town hall to put his family name on granite stones.

The action remained undetected for two weeks. After that, the building workers had to chisel the letters into the concrete and lay them on a 50 meter long, neutral roadway, as indicated by "OÖ Nachrichten". The cost and the extra work of the plasterers pay the official from his pocket.

On Facebook, he takes the city in bulk

The legal consequences also followed: for the order placed without the knowledge of his superiors, the regional manager of the magistrate, who is also advisor to the PS, intervened.

"Action with a high embarrbadment factor"

"It's an action that usually lasts no more than twelve years and not an adult responsible for the entire square of the city.It is a pity that the person who has gained great merit through the conversion of the whole place of the The city did so much nonsense, and as a legal consequence, there was also a reminder. "

Criticize the "stone" of conflict

Deputy Mayor Baureferent, Helmut Zöttl (FPÖ), also criticized the following speech: "If I found it wrong, I would let him or the mayor perpetuate me". Shaking the head also prevails in the VP / Citizen and NEOS list.

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