At least eleven victims «


The south of the country is particularly affected. Tourists from the ancient rock city, Petra, are also threatened.

10:29, November 10, 2018


Severe floods after heavy rains in Jordan killed at least 11 people. Among the dead was also a rescuer, said Saturday on television a spokesman for the Civil Defense.

On Friday night, the Jordanian government had spoken of seven deaths. The rescue teams are also looking for two missing girls in Madaba, southwest of Amman, the capital.

Affected in the south of the country

The south of the country has been particularly affected by storms. There were five dead in Madaba and three people in Dabaa, south of Amman. More than 3,700 tourists from the world-famous ancient city of Petra had to be brought to safety. According to TV reports, the waters of Petra and the Wadi Mussa desert have increased by three to four meters in some areas.

Rescue teams then used helicopters and armored vehicles to rescue people from floodwaters and search for missing persons. Authorities have called on residents of rivers, bridges and tunnels to take precautionary measures to ensure their safety.

After heavy rains in Dabaa, the road that crossed the desert to the south of the country was blocked in both directions. The Ministry of Education ordered the closure of all schools on Saturday.

Two weeks ago, 21 people died

Just two weeks ago, 21 people died in violent storms in western Jordan, including many students returning from a trip to the Dead Sea vacation region. The water mbades tore their school bus and several strollers with them. After the disaster, the ministers of education and tourism resigned.

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