Donald Trump unleashes himself on Twitter against Merkel and Macron – News Ticker


First Lady Melania Trump has publicly called for the dismissal of a senior government official. Her husband, Donald, tweets angry at Merkel and Macron. US news in the ticker.

  • Donald Trump recently dismissed Attorney General Jeff Sessions. A press conference led to a scandal between Trump and a CNN reporter. The transmitter sued the US president now.
  • Democrats won a majority in the House of Representatives at the mid-term. On the other hand, the Republican party of President Donald Trump was able to defend his majority in the Senate.
  • Melania Trump asks for the dismissal of a government employee. Donald continues to worry about migrants wishing to cross the Mexican border into the United States.
  • All the news of the last days can be found in the news ticker.
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    12.07 hours: During Trump's recent visit to Paris, where he attended the 100th anniversary celebrations of the end of the First World War, he and Macron established friendly relations. The handshakes of the two presidents, however, were less cordial than in the past. Trump had already criticized the idea of ​​a European army proposed by Macron upon his arrival in Paris. The proposal was "insulting" to his country, he tweeted.

    Now, Trump yielded mbadively. Macron suggested that a European army protects the continent against the United States, China and Russia, Trump tweeted. "But it was Germany in both world wars.How did it work for France?" At that time, Paris had begun to learn German, before the intervention of the United States, wrote the US president.

    Macron had by no means described the United States as a military threat to Europe. He spoke as a ratio of the European army solely in terms of protecting the continent. He added that Europe needed to be better equipped to deal with cyber attacks from China, Russia and even the United States.

    Emmanuel Macron suggests creating his own army to protect Europe against the United States, China and Russia. But it was Germany in the two world wars – how did it go for France? They were beginning to learn German in Paris before the United States. has come. Pay for NATO or not!

    – Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 13, 2018

    Zoff with Trump: Merkel supports Macron

    On the other hand, German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) supported Macron. In a speech to the European Parliament in Strasbourg, she pleaded on Tuesday for a "real European army". "We should work on this vision," she said. The times when Europe could count on others were "quite finished".

    Meanwhile, Trump has renewed its demand for higher European contributions to NATO from its European partners. "Pay for NATO or not!" he wrote. Already on Friday, he had tweeted: "(…) maybe Europe should first pay its fair share of the costs of NATO, which heavily subsidize the United States".


    US Vice President Mike Pence has criticized the "violence against the Rohingya Muslim minority in Myanmar". At a meeting with the head of government, Aung San Suu Kyi, on the sidelines of the Southeast Asia Asian community summit in Singapore, Mr Pence described the 700,000 Rohingya robbery in a "tragedy that moved millions of Americans".

    State Councilor Suu Kyi expressed the hope that she could contribute to the Enlightenment. She also indirectly opposed any interference by saying, "We understand our country better than any other country". Earlier, Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad had sharply criticized her and said that she was trying "to excuse the inexcusable".


    After a month of travel, the first migrants from Central America reached the US border. The first 350 victims of the refugee strike arrived Tuesday in the border town of Tijuana, Mexico. In California, on the other side of the border, US soldiers began to build concrete barriers and barbed wire. At two border crossings, several lanes were blocked.

    However, the majority of the refugee road was still 1,800 kilometers to the south on Tuesday and the group of about 5,000 people left Tuesday morning in Guadalajara and wanted to walk nearly 400 kilometers during the day on foot and in the afternoon. stop to spend the night in the city. State of Sinaloa to spend on the Mexican Pacific coast.

    Merkel about Trump: must be attentive

    8.22: London's "Guardian" comments Wednesday on violence between Israel and Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip, referring to Trump: "Israeli extremists, who have often pushed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the right, have been encouraged by US President Donald Trump.He made it clear that he did not consider the United States as a referee, but as a defender of Israel. "

    7:47: Angela Merkel reiterated Tuesday that the system of multilateralism should be defended. It can not be America first, neither France first, nor Germany first, but how a "win-win situation" could be created in the context of cooperation between States. For example, Merkel spoke of the course of US President Donald Trump and, faced with the reinforcement of nationalism in many countries, spoke of a "phase in which we must be extremely attentive".

    Melania requests the dismissal of Trump's adviser – all the news in the ticker


    The appointment of US Attorney General Matthew Whitaker has been challenged in court. Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh on Tuesday urged a federal judge to obtain an injunction against the decision of President Donald Trump's staff. Whitaker succeeds Jeff Sessions until further notice. The latter resigned Wednesday from last week under pressure from the Prime Minister.

    This new campaign has sparked fears in Trump camp that the president, with the help of Whitaker, may attempt to slow down investigations into illicit contacts with Moscow by his team during the 2016 election campaign.

    Frosh now claims that Whitaker should not be ministering because he has not been appointed to the Senate. This review process was not required for Whitaker's previous position as the Chef de Cabinet of the sessions.

    The Attorney General accused Trump of a "bold attempt to circumvent the law and constitution" bypbading Deputy Minister Rod Rosenstein at the successor of Sessions. Unlike Whitaker, Rosenstein had been screened by the Senate.

    6:00 am: The first lady, Melania Trump, has publicly spoken out in favor of the dismissal of a senior government official, a very unusual procedure for the president's wife. Its spokeswoman, Stephanie Grisham, said Tuesday that Deputy National Security Advisor Mira Ricardel no longer deserves to work for the White House.

    The Wall Street Journal reported that Ricardel had been fired and escorted out of the White House. A government official rejected the presentation to reporters.

    According to the Wall Street Journal, Ricardel allegedly ran into First Lady employees during Melania Trump's visit to Africa in October. She was also alleged to have leaked negative information about US President Donald Trump's wife.

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    Trump walks and attacks Macron after his visit to France

    5:53: After returning to Paris, US President Donald Trump again clearly attacked French President Emmanuel Macron. Trump wrote on Twitter Tuesday that Macron suffered from low approval rates in France and was struggling with a high unemployment rate. Macron had therefore wanted to draw attention to another subject. "By the way, there is no country more nationalistic than France, people very proud, it is true! …", continued Trump. On the basis of his own motto "Make America Great Again Again", Trump inserts another tweet with the aim of: "Make France Great Again!"

    The problem is that Emmanuel suffers from a very low approval rate in France (26%) and an unemployment rate of nearly 10%. Hey, what am I trying to do on another topic. In fact, there is no country more nationalist than France, people very proud, and rightly so! ……..

    – Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 13, 2018

    Macron took advantage of his remarks to commemorate the end of the First World War in Paris this weekend for an indirect but unequivocal criticism of Trump. "Patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism," Macron said. "Nationalism is a betrayal of patriotism." Trump calls himself a "nationalist" and puts the controversial principle of "America first" at the center of his policy.

    Trump had gone to Paris this weekend for the festivities. There he had not commented on Macron's comments on nationalism. But the weekend was accompanied by disagreements between them. Trump inaugurated his visit by criticizing Macron – for his desire to build a European army. Also this Macron initiative has again criticized Trump on Tuesday in a Tweet. He also deplored the injustices in the wine trade between the United States and France.

    Asean summit continues consultations – Trump sends money – meeting with Li and Putin

    The community of Southeast Asian states, Southeast Asia, continued its summit in Singapore on Wednesday. The penultimate day was focused on meetings with heads of state and government from China, Russia, South Korea and Japan, as well as on other trade discussions. The prelude was a series of talks with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang. Russian President Vladimir Putin will attend an Asian summit for the first time. Instead of US President Donald Trump, his MP Mike Pence went to Singapore.

    South Korean President Moon Jae In wanted to teach Asean the development of the nuclear conflict with North Korea. On the sidelines of the summit, several bilateral meetings of Heads of State and Government were expected. The Asean community includes the ten countries of Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam, Myanmar, Brunei, Laos, Cambodia and Singapore).

    Other news: Trump appoints ex-general Abizaid as new ambbadador to Saudi Arabia

    Former US General John Abizaid becomes his country's new ambbadador to Saudi Arabia. US President Donald Trump announced Tuesday the appointment of this connoisseur from the Middle East aged 67. The US ambbadador's post in Riyadh has been vacant since the inauguration of Trump nearly two years ago. The candidacy is currently at the heart of the tensions surrounding the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi in early October at his country's consulate in Istanbul.

    The four-star general Abizaid was, from 2003 to 2007, commander of the Central Command of the United States, responsible in particular for the Middle East and therefore the military operation in Iraq. He took office shortly after the US invasion of Iraq in the spring of 2003.

    Aged 67, he is of Lebanese Christian descent and is fluent in Arabic. At Harvard American University, he wrote an article on decision-making on defense spending in Saudi Arabia.

    His appointment as ambbadador to Riyadh has yet to be confirmed by the US Senate. As the former general enjoys a high reputation in Washington, the confirmation is considered certain.

    Saudi Arabia is an important ally of the United States. However, the badbadination of the government critic Khashoggi put a strain on relations between the two countries. Faced with tensions, the absence of an American ambbadador to Saudi Arabia has become particularly evident.

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    Action against Trump: CNN defends itself in court against journalists' lockout

    The dispute between the White House and CNN is getting worse. The US TV channel filed a lawsuit against the lockout of his journalist Jim Acosta on Tuesday. The White House suspended its accreditation last week after a tumultuous press conference by President Donald Trump until further notice.

    Accident at a press conference: Trump and Acosta, a reporter for CNN, discuss.


    CNN applied to a federal court in Washington for an injunction against the White House, the channel said. This should be done so that Acosta recovers "immediately" his press card. The measure of the White House should not be unchallenged, otherwise it would create a "dangerous deterrent effect for any journalist reporting on our elected officials".

    More news: The first migrants from Central America climb to the United States

    After traveling thousands of miles across Mexico, the first migrants from Central America climbed the border fence to the United States. Twenty people climbed Tuesday on the barrier between Tijuana and San Diego on the Pacific coast. The action put US Border Guard officers on alert, but they did not intervene.

    After about 20 minutes, the Central Americans descended to the Mexican side of the border. Others have simply watched through the bars or bathed in the sea. Between Tijuana and San Diego, the border fence divides the beach and stretches out into the Pacific Ocean.

    The Central Americans were part of the first group of 357 people arrived Tuesday in nine buses in Tijuana. He was happy to be about to enter the United States, said José Alfredi Mejía Márquez of Honduras at the German news agency. He had left a month ago with the so-called caravan of migrants in the Honduran city of San Pedro Sula. Migrants flee the violence of youth gangs and the poor economic situation in the region.

    The majority of the group, however, was still 2,400 kilometers further south of the Mexican city of Guadalajara. The caravan is composed of about 5000 people from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. Your destination is the United States. On the way, however, the caravan is divided into small groups. When the majority of Tijuana could reach, it was not clear. A second group of migrants, consisting of about 1,200 people, was located in a sports stadium in Mexico City. A third group of about 2,000 people was heading north into the state of Veracruz, in the south of the country.

    Donald Trump had recently tightened asylum procedures

    US President Donald Trump has tightened the rules on asylum procedures at the US border last week. The Republican ruled that asylum should be denied to migrants who cross the US border illegally. In principle, the procedures would only be possible at official border crossings.

    The movement is very controversial. Several organizations had previously announced their resistance to the courts. Trump had campaigned heavily for illegal congressional elections last week on the theme of illegal migration. He spoke of an "invasion" and greatly exaggerated the situation. After the elections, he barely commented on the migrants.

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