10 Facts about new minimum income – who earns more, who earns less? – Austria –


28.11.2018 18:28

(Law 28.11.2018 18:58)

The federal government introduced the new minimum income guarantee on Wednesday.

The federal government introduced the new minimum income guarantee on Wednesday.

The federal government presented its package on minimum security to the Council of Ministers on Wednesday. The Basic Law is to enter into force on April 1, 2019.

1. What will be the new minimum income in the future?

Single people receive € 863.04. For children, the amounts will be staggered: 25% for the first child, 15% for the second and 5% extra. In terms of amount, this means: about € 215 for the first child, € 129 for the second child and from the third child, € 43.

2. Will lone parents benefit from the new minimum income system?

Single parents and people with disabilities should be able to receive supplements in the future.

3. Can a minimum income contributor generate additional income?

A new regulation aims to increase the incentive for social badistance to take up paid employment. An allocation of up to 35% of net income is planned for one year.

4. What about badets before you get the minimum income?

For residential property applies a grace period of three years for own housing needs. Other badets should in principle be sold before the minimum guarantee is used. Special exceptions to this rule remain.


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5. To what extent is the new regulation uniform in all countries?

Some key areas are uniformly regulated at the national level in the new Social Protection Act. When no new principle has been defined, countries can freely define their own regulations without further guidance.

6. What changes in emergency badistance and unemployment insurance?

Emergency badistance and unemployment benefit are combined into a joint insurance under the name "New Unemployment Benefit".

7. Are EU citizens fully entitled to the protection of the minimum income in Austria?

No. Only if you are a citizen of the EU, for example As an employee, he will have full access to the minimum benefits for a legal residence in Austria for less than 5 years.

8. When are asylum seekers entitled to a minimum income?

Once they are entitled to asylum, asylum seekers are entitled to a minimum income. Asylum seekers are therefore not entitled to social badistance.

9. Do the beneficiaries of asylum benefit from the security of the full minimum income?

This is related to the employment opportunities of the person concerned. Only evidence of a certain level of language, a course of completed value and an explanation of the measures of interval or qualification allows the asylum to claim to Future at minimum "minimum income". Otherwise, the persons concerned receive only 65% ​​of the ordinary service in the form of money and the difference in the form of a linguistic measure or professional qualification.

10. How to prevent future asylum seekers from paying their guaranteed minimum income to families in their home country?

The minimum income will only be paid to asylum seekers partially in the form of cash benefits. The remaining amount is for example in the case of housing costs transferred directly to the owner or to those who are entitled to asylum in the form of benefits in kind professional or linguistic qualifiers.

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