AIDS Day | Austrian Chamber of Pharmacist, 28.11.2018


Determine HIV status quickly and easily with pharmacy self-tests

Vienna (OTS) On the occasion of World AIDS Day, on 1 December, Austrian pharmacists highlight the low threshold for access to HIV testing in pharmacies. Since the summer of this year, HIV self tests have been available without prescription in Austrian pharmacies. The test allows you to determine your own HIV status.

In Austria, one to two new HIV diagnoses are performed each day. However, the timing of the infection and the diagnosis usually diverge a lot: many patients are only diagnosed when the disease is already advanced. This circumstance negatively affects both the treatment and the living situation of those affected. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment are of great importance to the success of treatment and the quality of life of those affected.

Early detection and prevention

In order to reduce the threshold of inhibition in HIV testing and thereby make an important contribution to the early detection of HIV infections, HIV self-tests have been offered without prescription in Austrian pharmacies since the beginning of the year. This summer. The test can quickly and easily determine your own HIV status.

"It's important to know your immune status, and HIV pharmacy self-tests are an essential step toward early detection of the disease," says Mag. Pharm. Dr. Ulrike Mursch-Edlmayr, President of the Austrian Chamber of Pharmacists. "On the occasion of World AIDS Day, we would like to emphasize that everyone can do an HIV self-test with just a drop of blood at home in minutes."

In Austria, HIV self tests are exclusively available in pharmacies. In order for the test to be carried out correctly at home and for the clients to have the necessary information, a preliminary interview with the pharmacist / pharmacist is necessary. Since the submission of tests requires sensitive and competent advice from pharmacists, the Chamber of Pharmacists has collaborated with the Ministry of Health, doctors, the Austrian AIDS Society and Aids Hilfe to provide certified pharmacist training and guidance. standardized advice. Customer information brochures have also been created. "In addition, regional training activities and e-learning are underway – any chamber that reduces the threshold of inhibition before an HIV test and provides individuals with appropriate diagnosis and treatment at an early stage. by a doctor is well supported by the pharmacy chamber, "said the president.

Aids Hilfe Wien (0800 25 22 89, open Monday to Friday from 10am to 5pm) has set up a national telephone support service for the HIV self test to answer questions about the Use, shelf life and storage, test security, diagnostic test window and procedure to respond to a reactive result.

Here's how the HIV self test works

The HIV Self Test is a quick test specifically designed for lay people at home. Currently, two tests in Austria can only be obtained by pharmacies. Both are antibody tests and can detect or eliminate HIV infection 12 weeks after the last contact with the risk. The formation of antibodies can be long, which the test will detect. The test can be done quickly and easily. A drop in the finger removes a drop of blood for the test. Depending on the test, the HIV status will be displayed in a few minutes.

Mursch-Edlmayr points out: "A positive self-test for HIV does not mean an HIV diagnosis! If the HIV self-test indicates a positive result, it must be verified by a specific laboratory test.Pharmacists advise in such prompt consultation with a doctor and / or treatment center of the Austrian AIDS Society (ÖAG) or Aids Hilfe. "

Pharmacies at a glance

In Austria, public pharmacies play an important role as providers of health care. City or country: Austrian pharmacies offer quality at the highest level. In total, approximately 6,000 academically trained pharmacists advise the public on health issues in 1,400 pharmacies. The counseling skill is one of the central services of the pharmacist. In addition, more than 350 pharmacists provide valuable care and advice to patients in Austrian hospitals.

Surveys and contact:

Austrian Chamber of Pharmacist
Press and communication
Mag. Elisabeth Ort | Mag. Sabine Figo-Pichler
Phone: 01/404 14 DW 600

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