Minimum income of 2,600 euros: "a poison for a society"


Previous minimum warranty for the short "absurd"

Briefly countered in the ZIB2 with the example of a "salesman who works in

Austria the job will bring in 1,600 net euros, he is married – his wife is at home – and has three children. This is a worker with 1600 euros. This comes with the family allowance and the 13./14. Salary of 2500 euros net per month. A family in to guarantee with three children is currently in the old model on a higher sum, namely 2600 euros per month. "

The second family "would come out better", it would be "absurd", said the Chancellor. the

government have already introduced the so-called family bonus, the seller of his example now comes to 2,700 euros for his family.

For large families, "we shorten a little," admitted Kurz. But the new model is "more than just" because those who go to work "must not be stupid". Until now, it happens that a large family in which no one works, can have more than a family in which a parent holds a full-time job. In short: "It's poison for a society."

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