A bus on fire is cleared: Florianis surprised by donut cheese donut


In Steinbrunn, in the district of Eisenstadt-Umgebung, the engine block of a bus was on fire on Saturday morning. The driver blocked the fire with a hand-held fire extinguisher, and finally, the fire was eliminated by the forces, said FF Steinbrunn on Facebook. Nobody was injured, according to a request from the Central Security Land Burgenland.

There was no information indicating there were any other occupants in the vehicle in addition to the driver. Nine members of the Steinbrunn Volunteer Fire Department were involved in the extinction permit.

Yummy reinforcement

After work, it was time to take a refresh. "Fortunately," as the firefighters of Steinbrunn wrote, had opened the Fröhlich butcher. And she thanked the brave Florianis with free liver cheese. The conclusion of the working groups: "Exceptional!"

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