A car crashed against the wall of a garage – Three seriously injured


A car crashed against the wall of a garage – Three seriously injured

FOREST ZELL. An overworked driver (20) arrived at Waldzell from the road and crashed into a garage. The pbadenger was stuck.

(Icon) Picture: (Weihbold)

The 20-year-old German drove Friday at 19:15 on the Waldzeller country road towards Waldzell. A 21-year-old pbadenger from Braunau District was sitting in the pbadenger seat, sitting at the back of a 19-year-old pbadenger. In a sharp left turn, the tired handlebars of the car went off the road. The car crashed against a garage wall, damaging a tractor parked behind the garage door. The 21-year-old pbadenger was stuck in the wreck of the car, he was released by the Lohnsburg fire department. The driver and the 19-year-old pilot could disembark themselves. The three detainees were seriously injured in the accident. They were taken to Ried hospital. On the car, total loss, garage and tractor, considerable material damage.

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