A diver dies in a rescue operation for children in the cave


A diver was killed while trying to rescue teenagers trapped in a Thai cave. Authorities said Friday that former Thai special forces member Navy Seals was dead because of lack of oxygen in the cave.

According to him, the man had tried to place oxygen containers in the cave. This is the first deadly incident in the unsuccessful efforts here to save young footballers and their coach in the northern province of Chiang Rai.

  Thailand Navy Navy Children

Thai Rescuers Support Rescuers

Rains Impede Rescue Operations

Teenagers Aged 11 to 16 and their coach have been stuck in the cave since June 23, after mbades of water interrupted their return. The team had come to the cave after a workout, probably dipped in a sudden flood – and had been saved deeper and deeper into the water.

Shortly before the British divers launch the group Monday night (local time) more than three kilometers From the entrance to the cave, water in the cave near the border with Myanmar has again increases. Rainfall complicates rescue operations, in the region at the 20th northern latitude is between June and October rainy season

  Jack Thai Cave

Jacks are further included

on trapped rescue there are several scenarios. Either children must swim out of the flooded part of the cave accompanied by rescue divers. Or it could be pierced over an opening in the ceiling of the cave to highlight those who are trapped. Authorities and rescuers favor the first variant

Junior footballers are prepared – as best as they can – with diving courses. Especially dressing dive masks and underwater breathing are trained. The media also discussed the possibility of drying the cave with the help of pumps so that boys can walk away. However, considering the mbades of water, this solution seems unlikely at the present time.

The rescue of burglars stranded in the flooded cave in Thailand seems to have to be faster than previously thought: the relief window is "limited" said the commander of the Thai Navy military unit Seal, Apakorn Yookongkaew, to reporters Friday.

He officially recognized that young people can not wait until the end of the monsoon season.

The rescuers wanted to channel oxygen into the cave. "Our main task today is to put a pipe in the room for the group to breathe more air," said Chalongchai Chaiyakam, the rescue general. The oxygen content in the chamber is currently about 15%. Normally, the oxygen content in the air is about 20%

How long the trapped can survive in the cave without additional oxygen left the general open army. In addition, he did not say how long the establishment of the line should last. The oxygen line must be 4.7 kilometers long to reach the entrance of the cave until the room

Operation of complicated rescue

Teenagers aged 11 to 16 years and their coach have been stuck in the cave since 23 June. after mbades of water receded. On Monday, divers discovered them three kilometers from the entrance to the cave. New rainfall during the rainy season could make recovery difficult.

They receive food and medical care. The final rescue of the football team is complicated, however, because many rooms in the cave are flooded.

The risky nature of the rescue operation showed Friday the death of a volunteer badistant. The former Navy Seal soldier drowned during the deployment, vice-governor of the Chiang Rai region Pbadakorn Boonyaluck said Friday. His job was to bring oxygen into the cave. When returning from the cave, he did not have enough oxygen himself.

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