A drunken pizza maker drives snake lines on A8


  The driver of the car had two thousand intus (symbolic images). "Title =" The driver of the car had two thousand intus (symbolic images). "Src =" http://cdn1.salzburg24.at/2018/07/alkotest-650x435.jpg "clbad =" Image "width =" 650 "height =" 435 "/>

<p>										<span clbad=
The driver of the car had two thousand intus (symbol images).


Too deeply in the glbad looked at the night today, Thursday, a pizza maker before driving on the Bavaria motorway (A8) between Munich and Salzburg. The 41-year-old man apparently had trouble driving: he drove in strong, winding lines. The police stopped the driver shortly after midnight in Bergen. An alcohol test gave more than two parts per thousand.

The Pole resident in Italy is currently getting rid of his driving license. In addition, officials have collected a guarantee of 800 euros. "The short planned visit to Italy eventually fell to the water, or better, by Vino rosso della Casa," says the report of the Traffic Police Inspectorate of Traunstein

(APA )

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