A little more freedom in Cuba


A little more freedom in Cuba

HAVANNA. A new constitution provides for private property and marriage for all

  A little more freedom in Cuba

The private sector becomes legal. Image: APA / AFP / YAMIL LOCATION

The Cuban Parliament pbaded a new constitution recognizing, among other things, same-bad marriages and private property. In the draft adopted unanimously, the term communism disappears for the first time from the constitution. The Communist Party of Cuba remains the only legal party of the Caribbean socialist state

The new text should be adapted to the economic, social and political reality of Cuba and the international community, declared the secretary of the Council of State Homero Acosta, close confidant of the former president Raúl Castro and architect of the reform. For example, the new paragraphs call for the first time the concept of private property and recognize foreign investment as an important factor of economic growth. Small and medium-sized businesses should be legally recognized, but the "ability of the state to manage and control" the economy must be preserved, said Mr. Acosta. In Cuba, there will be no capitalism, said the head of state Miguel Diaz-Canel

much more likely to be political reforms: the post of prime minister must therefore to be reintroduced. In addition, a head of state can not govern for more than ten years. The most controversial is probably a proposal that is due to Mariela, Castro's daughter: the recognition of same-bad partnerships. Sexual minorities have been stigmatized in Cuba for a long time

. Now, it is up to Cubans to discuss reforms from mid-August to mid-November. Then they can vote for or against the changes

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