A warrant for an arrest attempt against Lübeck's attacker "DiePresse.com


After the knife attack of a bus in Lübeck, a warrant for arrest was issued against the attacker for attempted murder. There was the suspicion of "attempted manslaughter with gemeingefährlichen means in coincidence with dangerous bodily injury, aggression and particularly serious fire attempt", said the Lübeck prosecutor and police department on Saturday .

The 34-year-old German Iranians were after an admitted hearing at the detention center of Lübeck prison. The attacker set fire to his backpack in a bus on Friday in Lübeck, then stabbed detainees. Several people were injured, one of them seriously. The attacker was finally mastered.

There was "an urgent suspicion that the accused wanted to fire the bus, which had a large number of pbadengers, and thus hurt as many people as possible," investigators said Saturday.

The Dutchman is no longer in danger of death

"In addition, there is a hint of attempted homicide with regard to a man seriously injured by a wounded knife in the Netherlands. " The 21 – year – old Dutchman is no longer in danger of dying after several hours of emergency surgery. When appointed before a magistrate at the Lübeck District Court, the accused did not comment on the allegations on Saturday, as prosecutors and police agencies reported.

Prosecutors and the police always question the motive of the act. On Friday already, investigators had said that there was no evidence of a terrorist history of the act. Lübeck's chief prosecutor, Ulla Hingst, said there was "no evidence that the man had been politically radicalized". The man's defense attorney told n-tv broadcaster that his client was suffering from a mental disorder, perhaps a "paranoid schizophrenia".

No Evidence of Change in Security

Witnesses will also be heard on weekends. Five of the ten wounded were taken to hospitals. Three of them are seriously injured, as US lawyer Ulla Hingst said. The culprit used a kitchen knife. In his backpack, experts found accelerators, but "no other explosives or the like," said Hingst. The police are also looking for pbadengers who have left the scene after the incident.

According to estimates by the bus driver, about 70 people were aboard the bus en route to Travemünde, where the week of Travemünde was open at night. During the sailing event, the increased police presence was clearly visible. "But there is no concrete indication of a changed security situation," Grote said. Nevertheless, there is uncertainty. There should be no room for speculation about such a big festival

(APA / dpa)

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