Abbas case: authorities slow down


The case of Abbas is new: the date of hearing for the 26-year-old Pakistani is already Thursday morning. For lawyer Stefan Harg, the way the new procedure should be handled is unacceptable.

After the decision to lift the eviction was made Thursday morning, the hearing will take place on Thursday at 8 am in Vienna. Instead of slowing the process, the authorities have accelerated the pace, said Harg in Vorarlberg today. Obviously, the goal was to end the deportation on Saturday on the knee.

Talk about the autumn Qamar

Stefan Harg, the lawyer for the Pakistani asylum seeker, talks about lifting the negative asylum application.

In an appropriate procedure, one could also discuss with the lawyer. Usually, between these appointments two to three weeks, so Harg. This should be done overnight.

Notice on expulsion canceled

In the morning it was badumed that trainee Qamar Abbas could stay in Austria for the moment. The Federal Administrative Court overturned the expulsion decision on Wednesday. This resulted in serious procedural flaws.

Among other things, it says in the decision:
In the present case, the requirements of the rule of law formulated by the High Court have been omitted in an exceptionally serious manner.

Abbas before the Federal Administrative Court


Abbas before the Federal Administrative Court

Now, the Federal Office of Foreigners and Asylum must personally listen to the young man of 26 years. This would have been necessary before, the Federal Administrative Court justifies the decision. Thus, an essential principle of legal protection has been violated.

For two weeks in detention

Abbas has been in detention for almost two weeks. However, after making his decision, he must also be immediately handed over to the authorities, according to Harg, all the rest would be clearly illegal.


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