Abuse: The Pope fires the Australian Archbishop


He did not want to resign after the verdict of guilt; also not after sentencing. So even the Prime Minister intervened. Now, Philip Wilson is no longer the Archbishop of Adelaide.

Justice | Vatican City / Bonn – 30.07.2018

Pope Francis fired the convict due to misuse of the cover of the Archbishop of Adelaide, Philip Wilson, to his post . The Vatican said Monday that the pope had accepted the resignation of the 67-year-old man. In recent weeks, Australian Prime Minister John Turnbull and the National Priest Council have appealed to Francis. "He should have resigned on his own, and the time has come for the pope to release him," Turnbull said.

A court in May sentenced the 67-year-old Archbishop of Adelaide for concealing cases of abuse. sentenced to twelve months imprisonment. On August 14, he wants to check if the conditions of house arrest instead of a stay in prison are met. Wilson suffers from early Alzheimer's disease. Immediately after the verdict, the bishop also appealed the verdict

This happened in the last few months

Wilson was found guilty of abuse of two ministers by a priest in the 1970s Have covered for years. He had testified under oath that he had never been informed of badual abuse by ex-servants. The statements in question were so "cruel" in their details that he certainly would not have forgotten them. He doubted therefore that a conversation ever took place. However, the court did not give him faith. In addition, Wilson would have ordered one of the abused Messdiener to pray as atonement for his "lies" ten Ave Maria.

After the conviction in May, the bishop had first announced that his office at the moment only rested. On the other hand, he only wanted to show his willingness to resign if it became "necessary" at a later stage or appeared to him "appropriate". In June, the Pope set up an apostolic administrator for the diocese to "ensure the stability of the people of the archdiocese at this difficult time." Wilson remained nominal, however, in the office. In July, the sentence was finally announced. As a result, the Archbishop reiterated his intention to wait for the appeal and then decide on a possible resignation. Wilson is the highest-ranking Catholic cleric ever convinced of concealing badual abuse. (bod)

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