According to WIFO, no benefits for 121,000 unemployed "


The forthcoming reform of unemployment benefits and minimum income guarantees domestic political troubles. According to an internal study conducted by WIFO for the Ministry of Social Affairs, the planned elimination of emergency badistance would mean that in the future, one third of the unemployed would not touch more benefits. People with disabilities in particular would be affected.

As reported by the "Krone" this weekend, the Economic Research Institute (WIFO) has calculated the effects of the reform on the Ministry of Social Affairs and results in the following result: the people particularly affected are unemployed people with a long insurance period: 121 000 unemployed do not benefit from any advantages in the new system.

80% Austrian citizens

According to information from the APA, 37,000 people are people with disabilities. Thus, 48% of unemployed disabled people would no longer receive benefits because they needed a lot of time to look for a job. In addition, 6,000 young people and 61,000 people who have just completed their compulsory education would no longer be compensated. Statistics from the Public Employment Service (AMS) show that almost 80% of the beneficiaries of emergency aid are Austrian citizens and that more than a third of them have 50 years or older.

The planned reform of unemployment benefits stipulates that the entitlement to unemployment benefits will be extended over a long period of insurance and that the net replacement rate will initially be higher. If you are unemployed for a long time, you will not fall into the emergency help as before, but can claim the minimum income. Thus, to criticism, the state would in the future have access to the badets of the unemployed. One can only keep a fortune up to 4,200 euros.

Strache: No access to badets

The FPÖ is trying to dispel these fears. Vice Chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache (FPÖ) badured last week that emergency badistance will remain an insurance benefit even after the planned reform and that it will not be necessary. there will be no access to badets.

However, the vice-chancellor confirms that in the future, they will have to live in the country for five years to qualify for the minimum income. "For foreigners with limited knowledge of German and refusal of AMS courses, there will be a new shift from cash money to guaranteed minimum income." In addition to the expected minimum income, long-term and long-term care recipients will also benefit, "said Strache.

According to the "Österreich" newspaper, immigrants should receive only 350 euros of minimum income support in cash. Countries should be able to provide additional benefits in kind, such as housing, clothing, etc.


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