Accused of Reuters journalists in Myanmar – News from the world –


9.07.2018 18:15

(Law 9.07.2018 18:15)

© The Prosecution accuses Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo of violating state secrets. Journalists reject the allegations. They face 14 years of imprisonment.

The Prosecution accuses Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo of violating state secrets. Journalists reject the allegations. They incur up to 14 years of imprisonment.

Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo appeared in Rangoon Court Monday with a sign of confidence. But the hopes of the two Reuters reporters that the Myanmar House could opt in their favor have not been fulfilled.

Reuters: "Unfounded allegations"

The district court has filed a complaint against journalists detained for more than six months. The prosecution accuses them of violating a colonial law. They are accused of "illegally collecting information for the purpose of transferring to foreign media". On this are up to 14 years of imprisonment. Journalists have repeatedly rejected the allegations.

"We have not committed any crime," Wa Lone said after the court hearing on Monday. "In view of today's decision, I would like to say: we will not give in. Even if we are accused, we are not guilty, we have the opportunity to defend ourselves. In the coming days of trial, we will prove our innocence, we will not scare ourselves. "

Reuters editor Stephen Adler described the accusations as unfounded and unjust. demanded that detainees release their work solely for the release of Reuters journalists.






Police under pressure

Journalists worked on a report on the army's actions against the Rohingya Muslim minority. Ten men and boys were killed in the operation and, according to the United Nations, nearly 700,000 people were forced to flee to Bangladesh. A police officer testified in April that he had attracted journalists into a trap during their searches. A police chief ordered to arrange an appointment to hand over secret documents and arrest Wa Lone immediately after the meeting. In case of failure of the plan the officials themselves were threatened with imprisonment! [Fonction] (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function ()
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