AfD returns to 3rd place


Because the SPD is gaining slightly, it exceeds the AfD in the recent INSA survey. This remains stable at high value. The Greens are losing.

By Editorial Department

According to the latest survey of INSA, there is not much going on in partisan preference, the movement is weak. The Union remains at 29 percent of the vote, the SPD increases by one point to 18 percent, surpbading the AfD, which remains at 17.5 last week, and thus slipped to the third square. The fluctuation band of 2.5 percentage points allows both parties to exchange their places. Theoretically, nearly 20 percent would be in it.

However, the Greens lose one point and are only twelve percent, while the left can win half a point and now receives 10.5 percent. Meanwhile, the FDP loses half a point and is only nine percent. The other parts are therefore four percent.

However, the GroKo of the Union and the SPD still does not have the majority of respondents, so that only the "Schwampel" (Union, FDP and Greens) get half of the votes, a "Bahamas" coalition of the Union, AfD and FDP would even be 55.5%.

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