After Putin's meeting: Trump travels to Montenegro, a member of NATO


US President Donald Trump once again questioned his support for NATO. The defense of a small ally such as Montenegro could end in the third world war, Trump said in an interview with Fox News on Tuesday night. Asked by the moderator, he said that he also wondered why US soldiers should go to a small country like Montenegro in case of attack.

Trump added: "Montenegro is a small country with very strong people, they are very aggressive people, they could become aggressive, and – Congratulations – you are in the third world war." With that, he has obviously played on the fact that the inhabitants of the region had been defended over the centuries against attempts to conquer

Attack against one against the other

Trump doubts yet again if the United States In case of emergency, he would be really ready to support all Allies unconditionally. In concrete terms, he even shakes the foundations of the Alliance. Indeed, Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty states that the Allies agree that an armed attack against one or more of them would be considered an attack on all and would support each other. mutually.

In Fox's interview, Trump said: In case of a crisis, US soldiers must also travel to Montenegro: "It's like that, that's how it got been put in place. " However, he added a sentence that can also be interpreted as a threat. "Do not forget, I've only been there for a year and a half." He then reiterated his call for more Allied defense spending.

Small country, great coup d'etat

In 2016, Montenegro had become extremely unpopular with neighboring Serbia and its allies, Russia, when it joined NATO. In October of the same year, the Montenegrin authorities discovered a coup attempt to badbadinate then Prime Minister Milo Djukanovic.

Two Russian nationalists were arrested as the brains of terrorist attacks. The authorities of Montenegro badume that they were at the service of the Russian secret services.

McCain: "Trump plays in Putin's cards"

The chairman of the Republican Defense Committee of the US Senate John McCain tweeted on Wednesday: "The people of Montenegro braved all the pressures of Putin's Russia and his Is raised for democracy decided. "The US Senate approved the entry of NATO by 97 votes to 2," wrote McCain. "With the attacks on Montenegro and the mis en cause of our commitments to NATO, the President is playing Putin's game. "McCain is one of the most prominent Trump critics in the Republican ranks.

A spokesman for the US NATO in Brussels tried to downplay Trump's comments. "President Trump made it clear that the United States is fully committed to NATO and our alliance is strong," he said. reference to previous declarations Joint defense of Article 5 of the Treaty of NATO fully and firmly applies.

Trump deplores the unfair sharing of the charge

The spokesman also recalled that the so-called alliance case – once the Islamist terrorist attacks in the United States on September 11, 2001 – was proclaimed. This has led to military deployment in Afghanistan, the largest in NATO's history to date, he said. "Hundreds of thousands of Europeans and Canadians stood side by side with US troops, and over a thousand paid with their lives."

Trump does not seem impressed. Even before he took office, he had described NATO as "obsolete". It then took months before we made it clear for the first time on the clause of badistance, Article 5 of the Treaty of NATO. Instead, Trump continues to complain of an unfair sharing of the charge within the Alliance and even threatens consequences if Allies like Germany do not spend at least two per cent their gross domestic product in defense. Europe before the German attack against Poland. The question was "Die for Danzig" (1965-1996) In Video: Spicy statement of Crimea – The Kremlin hits Verbal-Schnitzer of Putin's Protocol

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