After the brutal murder of the pregnant ex-girlfriend, he remains to "life" – Vorarlberg –


Frastanzer Causa is now permanently closed: OGH and the Higher Regional Court of Innsbruck have decided.

(VOL.AT/Christiane Eckert)

In December, a young man from the Dominican Republic is convicted, among other things, of murdering his pregnant ex-girlfriend. Six of the eight jurors are convinced that the 28-year-old man murdered the young woman who was expecting a baby in Frastanz, then lit up her corpse and disappeared. The person then residing in Liechtenstein denied the act until the end. But now, he has brought nothing to the invocation of the highest courses. All possibilities of obtaining a milder judgment are exhausted, it remains to life imprisonment.

No clemency

The Higher Regional Court of Innsbruck ruled that the first court correctly established the sentence of life imprisonment. Even lawyer-victim Stefan Denifl sees it as follows: "I was expecting the conviction for life imprisonment to be confirmed. For the parents of the victim, he is relieved that the criminal proceedings are finally concluded with a sentence appropriate to the act. "That the perpetrator of the offense really serve his sentence up to What death depends on circumstances, the minimum term is 15 years, but in fact, almost no one is held behind the walls until death.The relatives of the perpetrators and victims went to Innsbruck Now the causality is finally completed

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