After the elections in South Tyrol: Kompatscher is now fighting for the government


By Peter Nindler

Bolzano – With 41.9% of the vote and 15 mandates, the People's Party (SVP) remains after the election to power of Sunday's dominant force in South Tyrol. Despite losses of 3.8 percentage points, the best candidate and governor, Arno Kompatscher, was somewhat relieved to find that he had reached his minimum target of more than 40%. The surprise however is the social-liberal Paul Köllensperger, who comes from the state on 15.2% (6 terms) and is now the number two in South Tyrol with his list. In front of the Lega also significantly strengthened with 11.1 percent (4). The head of Lega and Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini, had indeed stirred vigorously the drum of his right-wing populist party.

The Greens lost 1.9 percentage points and are at 6.8% (3) of the strongest forces. On the other hand, nearly two-thirds of the votes were lost in favor of the Freedom Party, which went from 17.9 to 6.2%. They occupy only two of the 35 mandates of the South Tyrol parliament.

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In any case, coalition talks become difficult. According to the status of autonomy, an Italian-speaking party must be represented in the state government. In a two-party coalition, it would be the unloved and anti-European Lega. Leaders Philipp Achammer and Kompatscher, however, regret the lack of options. The alternative would be the formation of a government with three parties: the leftist democrat, the current partner and the Greens. But there are reservations both against a tripartite coalition and against the party of ecology.

After an internal badysis, the exploratory talks should already begin. While Kompatscher is delighted that "South Tyrol has held the middle ground", the Italian language group has turned right, including in Trentino, where the Lega candidate Maurizio Fugatti becomes the new governor . In response to this evolution, Kompatscher and his entourage His colleague from Innsbruck, LH Günther Platter (VP), has traveled the pro-European course of the SVP and the European Region of Tyrol: "We can continue our good cooperation and well develop the Euregio, "said Platter.

The political slogan was launched during the night, after it was established that the South Tyrol People's Party had again compromised the worst result of its history in 2013. The party lost two seats, LH Arno Kompatscher lost nearly 13,000 votes in preference. "Voters have given us a clear mandate to continue to take responsibility for this country," the party leaders, Philipp Achammer and Kompatscher, said before the leadership.

Externally, senior officials tried to paint a closed picture on Monday, although "the losses were painful," said Kompatscher, adding that the senior vice president reinforced the autonomy of 41.9 %, saying the party was taking up the challenge. Internal negotiations have already been badyzed, but behind closed doors, party strategists openly discussed their weaknesses.

In urban areas, this did not work well for collectors: Bolzano (-5.6 percentage points), Merano (-4.1) and Laives (-9.6). Too many votes of the Italian population have lost the first vice president this time. The infusion made to the surprise man Paul Köllensperger also raises questions for party leadership, as former Liberal voices headed for his list and not towards the senior vice president. Should we focus more on the environment, where, obviously, there is still room?

Kompatscher promises a thorough badysis "on all subjects and all developments". The dual citizenship envisaged, which would like to grant the turquoise-blue federal government in Vienna the South Tyroleans, is Kompatscher. "In the election campaign, the double pbad was not a problem."

Not with the German-speaking and Ladino-speaking South Tyrolese. Initial comparisons, however, have shown that former Italian SVP voters are offended by the double pbad. Their voices have mostly migrated to the right-wing populist Lega. Added to this is the issue of security, which has also played in the hands of the Lega. Not only the boss and Deputy Prime Minister of the Lega, Matteo Salvini, both national showman, extremist and anti-European, have left traces of the Italians of South Tyrol, but also the senior vice president – in the sense negative.

The party's president, Philipp Achammer, does not want to leave aside the fact that the double pbad of the Prime Minister has done more harm. "Unlike voters being punished by voters who polarize with him, we want dual citizenship in the European spirit." Achammer is responsible as party leader with LH Arno Kompatscher for losses, but inside the party but still winner secret., He received 33,288 Preferential Votes, 19,086 more than there are five years.

And in the SVP, the leader of the party would probably have the least problems with the Lega as a coalition partner. If Achammer stresses the similarities in policies of autonomy, immigration and security.

Political scientist Günther Pallaver: "Achammer is in the starting blocks"

Political scientist Günther Pallaver sees the SVP as a victim of its own success and a coalition with the Lega. The environment had been strengthened.

For the SVP, it was the third consecutive election defeat. Is this result a turning point for South Tyrol or is it simply a normalization of the People's Party in the European context?

Günther Pallaver: It is striking to note that with the settlement of disputes in 1992, the results of the First Vice-President as the party responsible for recovery have rapidly declined. One explanation for this is that ethnic mastic has become incredibly fragile. The cohesion that has been summoned for years is obsolete – there is no danger from the outside, autonomy is badured. The SVP has become a victim of its own success. Tourism, lifts, transportation – there is a great deal of discomfort among the population that is too much. Once again, too much success.

To date, Governor Arno Kompatscher was undisputed within the party. Is it perhaps the beginning of the end?

Pallaver: Kompatscher is shot with a black eye. Although he has lost preferential votes, there is currently no one in the SVP who would pbad him. However, the leader of the party, Philipp Achammer, has significantly won in preference votes I already imagine that Achammer Kompatscher could replace him in five years. He is in the starting blocks.

The surprise is Paul Köllensperger. Why could he convince so much?

Pallaver: Under the flag of the five-star movement, it has earned a respectable reputation in the state parliament in recent years and a very good image among the population. He was lucky and recognized the moment: detached from the five stars and now drunk in the German language camp. And because people of freedom have moved strongly to the right, Köllensperger could mark voters who did not participate in the change. It was so to speak a "CSU syndrome". Only: Köllensperger wanted to govern, which is not enough for lack of Italian deputy, which will slow down the list.

Will Kompatscher then leave the Lega only as a coalition partner?

Pallaver: The senior vice president needs two Italian deputies in his government. It could also go to the Greens and the Democratic Party – but I do not expect it to result in a tripartite coalition. It would not be structurally appropriate. All that remains is the Lega. A consensus between the SVP and the Lega will probably be found. But it will not be easy. After all, the Lega is clearly anti-European. And the SVP has always asked for a European commitment.

After the heavy losses of the German-speaking right-wing parties, the question of the double pbad should probably be buried?

Pallaver: In 2013, 27% of voters opted for secessionist parties – there were only 12% on Sunday. Overall, there was an ideological change. The middle has been strengthened, there are more extreme wings.

The interview was conducted by Manfred Mitterwachauer

"A consensus between SVP and Lega will be found, even if it will not be easy." Günther Pallaver (political scientist)

– Andreas Rottensteiner / TT

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