After the elections in South Tyrol: the Prime Minister enters into negotiations with the Lega


Bolzano – The People's Party of South Tyrol (SVP) will start coalition negotiations with the right Lega Nord. Governor Arno Kompatscher and SVP President Philipp Achammer made the announcement on Monday in Bolzano. The party committee had previously voted by secret ballot by 65 votes for and 11 against for the opening of negotiations. There were seven abstentions.

Kompatscher: "No marriage of love, but of technical cooperation"

Achammer and Kompatscher both stressed in a press release issued after the party committee meeting that only the coalition talks with the Lega were being taken, the result of the negotiations then had to be re-evaluated. "This is not a marriage of love, it is a technical collaboration," said Kompatscher about a possible coalition with the Lega.

However, even before the start of negotiations, the Lega must adhere to SVP's core values ​​- no discrimination, commitment to autonomy and its development, commitment to Europe, the EU, the euro and the European region, Kompatscher and Achammer verified. If the Lega does not engage in these values ​​at the regional level, it will not continue to negotiate. These values ​​are not negotiable, it was said.

No cooperation in the European elections

"There will be no coalition at all costs," said Achammer. Cooperation with Rome will remain the same and there will be no cooperation with the Lega in the next European elections. In addition to the exploratory talks with the Lega, the SVP also conducted exploratory talks with the Greens and the Social Democratic Party Democratico (PD), their former coalition partner.

The collector's party had retracted in the legislative elections on 21 October with 41.9%, the worst result in their history. In the future, the collection group will only provide 15 of the 35 members. This again failed the absolute majority of the mandate and is due – because of proportionality – to a coalition partner with representation rights for the Italian language group. The Lega had won a lot in the elections and reached 11.1% and four terms. (APA)

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