After the resignations, Wolkersdorf faces new elections


In Wolkersdorf (Mistelbach District), on Friday, eleven of the 29 local councils resigned. If nothing changes in the next seven days, the local council will be dissolved and 2019 new elections will be held.

All the proxies on the lists of citizens "with us", "WUI" and those of the FPÖ resigned from their positions at the local council meeting on Friday. That leaves eleven of the 29 members of the municipal council. According to the municipal code, if more than a third of the municipal councils leave, the municipal council must be dissolved. As a result, the state government would be forced to call new elections for spring 2019.

He would then be elected for a six-year term. By 2020, there would then be no ordinary elections to the city council in the city of Weinviertel. "Resigning local councils now have a seven-day cooling off period, but since the opposition has already announced new elections, its decision will not change," said Wolkersdorf Mayor Anna Steindl (ÖVP).

The opposition criticizes the lack of cooperation of the ÖVP

The resignations were triggered by a referendum on the location of the new city hall. 49.9% of voters cast an invalid vote to denounce eligible localities. The opposition had already applied the "white vote". "We do not think it's fair to ignore citizens and only pick two of the original six locations." While much of it is obviously not satisfied with both sites , the ÖVP has now decided to launch the project, "criticized Hannes Schwarzenberger (Bürgerliste" Mit Uns ").

A decision of the city council of August 30 stipulates that the result of the referendum is binding. "We therefore have no other legal choice than to comply with the decision of the majority of valid votes," defends the mayor. The ÖVP is also due to the limited choice of sites: "A feasibility study has shown that only two sites are realistic." Exclusion criteria were lack of parking spaces and ownership of land.


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