Airplane crash: search for the cause of the crash | euro News


After the crash of a pbadenger plane in Indonesia, divers found the first mortal remains. Rescuers say their condition is barely enough to find survivors. Now, the corpses must be identified. Parents and relatives are welcome to come to Jakarta. A representative of the regional administration said that the parents arrived in two machines, a total of 68 people.

No prohibition of starting the manufacturer

On board the aircraft of the company Lion Air were 189 people. The general manager of Lion Air, Edward Sirait, has since confirmed the existence of a display problem in the badpit during a previous flight in the plane. "However, the builder did not issue a take-off order to Boeing for the type of aircraft, the machine was still in service and there was no evidence that there was a fault elsewhere. . "

The pilot wanted to turn around

Now determined the Indonesian air traffic control. Until now, it was known that the pilot of the machine had signaled an emergency and wanted to back down. Shortly after, the contact broke down.

The plane crashed into the sea just minutes after departure, to Jakarta, on the way to the neighboring island of Bangka.

Airplanes are an important means of transportation on the island island of Indonesia. For about ten years, the number of domestic flights has been steadily increasing.

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