AK success against socially unjustified termination – ooe.ORF.at


In the case of an upholsterer's badistant, the Arbeiterkammer OÖ saw an unofficial dismissal taken and brought to justice. For the AK confirmation, "that we can defend against unlawful dismissal."

In short, the 52-year-old woman received more than 13,900 euros. This includes statutory claims and four additional gross monthly payments, as a kind of voluntary termination. The woman had worked half of his life at the factory as a wallpaper dealer, the AK

AK: the company board objected to the termination [19659004] before the next departure. In the previous year, she had to undergo surgery and was therefore on longer sick leave. According to AK, the company's company committee objectively opposed the dismissal, arguing that it was difficult for the 52-year-old woman to find a new job because of her age.

The woman turned to the AK and complained, with the justifications that the existence of the woman was in danger and in the company no dismissal would have been necessary. The Chamber of Labor pointed out that the employer has a social design obligation and that employees should not be allowed to sit on an unacceptable dismissal.

WK: Recognized Judicial Decision

The Chamber of Commerce pointed out that there was no detailed information and therefore could not make a statement. Fundamentally, the Chamber of Commerce argues that legally valid decisions of the labor and social courts must be recognized, regardless of whether the defendant or the plaintiff is granted the right.

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