Ali W .: Governor Haslauer takes position – critical of the FPÖ


The case of Ali W. hit high waves in Salzburg. The 23-year-old apprentice of ARGE-Beisl in Salzburg-Nonntal should be deported. The Pakistani is considered well integrated, his supporters are fighting against deportation. The lawyer of Ali Peter Perner appealed the decision

No legal possibility for apprentices

The governor of Salzburg Wilfried Haslauer spoke on Tuesday evening in the interview of l & # 39; 39; ORF on the cause: "We need to separate Asylum Immigration" There is currently no legal possibility for apprentices like Ali to act against a negative asylum decision.

A discussion on the right to stay must be conducted

Haslauer therefore thinks about a change: "We have to think about we do not give them, as with students or students," he says. opportunity – they are integrated and have completed their apprenticeship, if they speak German and exercise a profession of shortage – to open a career. "As a critic of the current asylum policy from the federal government Statements of Haslauer are not understood as on S2 4-request of the governor's office states: "This is not a general suggestion to change the policy of asylum in Austria. This is an opinion on a well-defined detail of the practice of asylum in Austria. "

The change of law should no longer attract people to Austria

If Haslauer goes, it is for apprentices with a negative asylum decision to be." Why should we expel someone? 39, one you would like to enter the country anyway, because you need it? ", Says Haslauer's office.This concerns only apprentices in a situation of scarcity, of which there are currently around 800 in Austria Haslauer would therefore seek the conversation with the federal government – under whose jurisdiction such a change of law falls.

By the desired change of law, but one would not create the conditions for people on the way to the law. Austria, because they hope

The fires of the FPÖ in the direction of Haslauer

The criticism of Haslauer comes from the FPÖ of Salzburg, which supports the line of the federal government: "We support the request of the Chancellor Kurz for an acc However, he appreciates the fact that he is first looking for a uniform line within his People's Party, "Marlene Svazek is quoted in a press release

Meanwhile, the NEOS hail the Governor's plans: "I will take the initiative of Landeshauptmann Haslauer actively support. Many companies are desperately seeking skilled workers – young asylum seekers want to complete an apprenticeship, "says Sepp Schellhorn. "Residence permit for well-integrated education uses society and the economy."

Salzburg does not want to be a waiting area

In addition to the case of Ali W., the governor of Salzburg also commented on the German conflict. Salzburg does not want to become a waiting area: "Travelers who have applied for asylum in another EU country can only be returned from Germany to Austria as long as they are in Europe. there is a corresponding takeover agreement. "There is currently no such agreement.

Haslauer expects a "domino effect" in the German solo effort

"We remove those who sought asylum in Austria. This is already happening on an ongoing basis, with about 740 people in the first half, "says Haslauer, who also commented on the possibility of a unilateral German initiative:" If Germany acts unilaterally, the l ". Austria will have to apply measures at the southern and eastern borders. "

Border checks on Walserberg should become a history

If the Haslauer case is ongoing, the asylum dispute can not be resolved that in Europe: "We need a European solution." One thing is clear for Haslauer: want border controls at Walserberg to become history. "

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